Storing car for storm but caught fire

Minh Ánh |

To avoid the storm, Mr. Ha (Hai Phong) gathered all the electric cars in one area. Finally, in the middle of the storm, a fire broke out, engulfing all 29 electric cars.

Fire at dawn storm

At dawn on September 7 - the day storm No. 3 (Yagi) made landfall, Mr. Pham Van Ha - Deputy CEO of 69 Investment and Development Company Limited - was shocked to receive the news that the factory storing 29 electric vehicles had caught fire.

Upon hearing the news, in the midst of the rain and wind, Mr. Ha and his company's staff still ran to the shack area. At 5:20 a.m., the fire broke out fiercely, making a part of the sky in Cat Ba island district bright.

Anh Ha dung tan ngan truoc hien truong vu chay, nho lai canh tuong kinh hoang rang sang ngay 7.9. Anh: Minh Anh.

Mr. Ha stood hesitantly at the scene of the fire, recalling the horrifying scene in the early morning of September 7. Photo: Minh Anh.

"The explosions from the fire were like fireworks. We could only stand there helplessly," Ha recalled. According to Ha, his unit was entrusted with three places to keep the electric vehicles because they were worried about the storm, but man proposes, God disposes, and the storm's strong winds caused the metal roof to collapse onto the electric vehicles. The strong impact caused the battery to explode. The exact cause is still being determined by authorities.

Of those 29 electric cars, 13 belong to Mr. Hoang Xuan Hung - General Director of Hoang Hong Van Joint Stock Company.

Mr. Hung said that his unit operates in many fields in Do Son, Cat Ba such as transportation, restaurants, motels, aquaculture... Previously, he invested in a batch of electric cars for tourism and used them as collateral for a loan at Agribank.

After the super typhoon passed, not only were 13 electric cars burned down, but the remaining 13 electric cars of the unit in Do Son were also damaged by the storm; in addition, the restaurant, motel, aquaculture rafts... invested by the company were also severely damaged.

According to Mr. Hung, all of the company's assets are not insured. Only the batch of electric cars is insured by Agribank Insurance.

Mr. Hung said that the case of 13 vehicles that unfortunately caught fire on Cat Ba Island during storm No. 3 is being handled by Agribank Insurance to settle the payment. If everything goes as planned, Mr. Hung can receive the entire insurance amount for the above convoy.

So xe dien khac cua anh Hung cung bi hong hoc sau bao. Anh: Minh Anh.
Mr. Hung's other electric cars were also damaged after the storm. Photo: Minh Anh.

Mr. Hung recalled that on September 12, Agribank Insurance staff went down to conduct a preliminary inspection at the fire site. At that time, the communication signal was completely lost, making it very difficult for us to contact each other.

On September 14-15, when the communication line was reconnected, relevant units immediately returned to inspect the damage scene in Do Son. The inspection took up to 3 days," said Mr. Hung.

Mr. Hung said that after completing the appraisal report, the insurance company paid his business an advance of 100 million VND in compensation so that the company could basically repair the damage after the storm.

He said: "Our business has a loan from Agribank with an outstanding debt of 2.3 billion VND. Thanks to the direction of the Prime Minister and the leaders of the State Bank, after the communication network was connected, the Agribank branch in Do Son has significantly reduced the loan interest rate for us. This is something I am extremely grateful for."

Join hands with people to overcome the consequences of storm number 3

Speaking to reporters, the leader of Agribank Do Son branch (Hai Phong) said that Mr. Hung needs to borrow more capital to rebuild after the storm, Agribank will be ready to support and create favorable conditions for him. However, Mr. Hung still does not have a specific plan for how much capital he wants to borrow.

Before storm No. 3 made landfall, following the direction of the State Bank, the bank proactively notified customers with outstanding debts and mortgaged assets at the bank to avoid risks.

“After the storm, we immediately went to check and inquire about customers who suffered damage. Up to now, we have basically supported and coordinated with Agribank Insurance to provide timely support to customers” - the leader of Agribank Do Son branch shared.

Bao hiem Agribank trao so tien 100 trieu dong tam ung cho anh Hung.
Agribank Insurance gave Mr. Hung an advance payment of 100 million VND.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Tam - Deputy Director of Agribank Insurance Company, Hai Phong branch - said that the case of 13 cars unfortunately caught fire on Cat Ba island during storm No. 3 is being urgently carried out with necessary procedures to ensure timely resolution for customers. If everything goes as planned, Mr. Hung can receive the entire insurance amount for the above convoy.

Thirteen other electric cars in Do Son were damaged by rainwater, with an estimated repair cost of about 200 million VND. Agribank Insurance has advanced Mr. Hung's company 100 million VND.

"After storm No. 3 passed, we mobilized appraisal staff from provinces and cities, dividing them into teams to quickly review all customer damages.

We also hope that customers can recover soon after the storm and have the earliest compensation for customers" - Ms. Tam said.

Minh Ánh

Tín dụng chính sách đồng hành cùng người dân Yên Bái vượt qua hậu quả bão lũ

Minh Uyên- Anh Đài |

Yên Bái là một trong những tỉnh miền núi phía Bắc chịu thiệt hại nặng nề do hoàn lưu của cơn bão số 3 (bão Yagi) với những đợt mưa to, lũ lớn diễn ra từ ngày 07 - 11.9 vừa qua. Với quyết tâm đưa nhanh nguồn vốn chính sách về với bà còn vùng bị ảnh hưởng mưa lũ, hỗ trợ tích cực, hiệu quả cho khách hàng bị thiệt hại do thiên tai sớm khôi phục sản xuất kinh doanh, ổn định cuộc sống là mục tiêu hàng đầu của lãnh đạo tỉnh Yên Bái.

Dự báo số cơn bão và diễn biến không khí lạnh một tháng tới


Cơ quan khí tượng đã cung cấp thông tin dự báo về diễn biến không khí lạnh, hoạt động của bão/áp thấp nhiệt đới trong một tháng tới.

Công nhân thiệt hại sau bão ở Quảng Ninh cần 1 mái nhà

Đoàn Hưng |

Quảng Ninh - Sau bão Yagi, các cấp công đoàn đã nhanh chóng vào cuộc, sẻ chia, đồng hành cùng người lao động khó khăn để không ai bị bỏ lại phía sau.

Giá vàng cao kỷ lục, chọn kênh đầu tư nào để tránh mạo hiểm?

Hoàng Xuyến - Việt Anh |

Theo các chuyên gia, trong bối cảnh giá vàng tăng cao, người dân nên cẩn trọng khi đầu tư vào vàng. Dự kiến, chứng khoán là một thị trường đầu tư tiềm năng.

Hàng trăm người chui rào đập thủy điện, đổ xô bắt cá khủng


Đồng Nai - Hàng trăm người dân đổ xô xuống đập tràn của hồ Thủy điện Trị An để bắt cá khủng, kiếm tiền triệu.

Chưa rõ nguyên nhân hơn 40 người ở chung cư nghi ngộ độc


Nghệ An – Cơ quan chức năng đang tiếp tục xác minh nguyên nhân vụ hơn 40 người ở chung cư Golden City 3 (Nghi Phú, TP Vinh) có biểu hiện ngộ độc.

Thanh niên tử vong khi livestream cảnh báo sạt lở QL2

Lam Thanh |

Hà Giang - Vụ sạt lở trên QL2 đoạn qua xã Việt Vinh (huyện Bắc Quang) đã vùi lấp nhiều người và phương tiện.

Lực lượng chức năng căng mình phân luồng cầu phao Phong Châu

Tô Công |

Phú Thọ - Ngày 30.9, khi cầu phao Phong Châu thông xe, lưu lượng phương tiện đổ về rất đông, các lực lượng chức năng phải căng mình điều tiết giao thông.

Policy credit accompanies Yen Bai people to overcome the consequences of storms and floods

Minh Uyên- Anh Đài |

Yen Bai is one of the northern mountainous provinces that suffered heavy damage due to the circulation of storm No. 3 (storm Yagi) with heavy rains and floods occurring from September 7 to 11. With the determination to quickly bring policy capital to the areas affected by rain and floods, actively and effectively supporting customers affected by natural disasters to quickly restore production and business, and stabilize their lives is the top goal of the leaders of Yen Bai province.

Forecast of storms and cold air developments in the next month


The meteorological agency has provided forecast information on cold air developments and storm/tropical depression activity in the next month.

Storm-affected workers in Quang Ninh need a roof

Đoàn Hưng |

Quang Ninh - After storm Yagi, trade unions at all levels quickly stepped in, sharing and accompanying workers in difficulty so that no one was left behind.