Forecast of storms and cold air developments in the next month


The meteorological agency has provided forecast information on cold air developments and storm/tropical depression activity in the next month.

The National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting has released a weather trend forecast for the next month (from now until October 20).

Regarding temperature trends, the average temperature across the country is generally 0.5 - 1 degree Celsius higher, and in some places higher than the average of many years in the same period.

During the forecast period, cold air begins to operate and affect our country's weather.

Total rainfall nationwide is generally at approximately the average level of many years; in the Central Central region, total rainfall is generally 15 - 30% higher than the average of many years in the same period.

During the next month, there will be many days of rain, showers and thunderstorms nationwide, with some days of moderate to heavy rain. In particular, the Central region is likely to experience some widespread heavy rains.

Mr. Nguyen Van Huong - Head of Division Weather Forecast, National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, Directorate of Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, commented that the remaining time of September is still the rainy season in the Northern and Central Highlands regions. Therefore, this region still has many days of moderate and heavy rain; the potential risk of flash floods and landslides in this area is at a high to very high level.

"The time when La Nina gradually becomes stronger coincides with the period of rain and floods in the Central region. Therefore, we warn that from now until November, storms, rain and floods may appear frequently in the Central region" - Mr. Huong analyzed.

Ong Nguyen Van Huong - Truong phong Du bao Thoi tiet, Trung tam Du bao Khi tuong Thuy van Quoc gia cung cap thong tin du bao mua thoi gian toi. Anh: An An
Mr. Nguyen Van Huong - Head of Division Weather Forecast, National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting provides information on rain forecast for the coming time. Photo: An An

Regarding dangerous weather phenomena at sea, the meteorological agency forecasts that from now until October 20, storm/tropical depression activity in the East Sea and its impact on Vietnam's mainland is likely to be at a level approximately equal to the average of many years in the same period. The average data for many years in this period in the East Sea is about 2.1 storms; 0.9 storms make landfall in Vietnam.

In the coming time, dangerous weather phenomena such as storms/tropical depressions, southwest monsoons, thunderstorms, and tornadoes at sea are likely to cause strong winds and large waves affecting activities in the East Sea. Heavy rain, strong thunderstorms accompanied by tornadoes, lightning, hail, and strong gusts of wind can greatly affect production and people's activities.

The meteorological agency also noted that long-term warning bulletins are often trend forecasts. Therefore, to have a better basis for weather forecast information, people should wait for short-term bulletins issued daily by the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting.


Thời tiết hôm nay 23.9: Không khí lạnh tiếp tục tác động


Thời tiết hôm nay 23.9, không khí lạnh tiếp tục tác động, khu vực Bắc Bộ và Thanh Hóa trời mát, vùng núi Bắc Bộ có nơi trời lạnh.

Thời tiết hôm nay 22.9: Không khí lạnh gây mưa to ở miền Bắc


Thời tiết hôm nay 22.9, không khí lạnh gây mưa dông ở Bắc Bộ, cục bộ có nơi mưa rất to. Nhiệt độ thấp nhất dao động từ 21 - 24 độ C, có nơi dưới 21 độ C.

Mùa bão dữ dội, dự báo còn bao nhiêu cơn bão đổ bộ đất liền?


Cơ quan khí tượng dự báo khả năng từ tháng 10-12.2024, số cơn bão đổ bộ đất liền cao hơn so với trung bình nhiều năm.

Hiện trường cướp ô tô gây tai nạn liên hoàn ở Cần Thơ


Cần Thơ - Một đối tượng nghi sử dụng ma túy đã cướp ô tô tải gây tai nạn liên hoàn tại khu vực trước cổng Khu Công nghiệp Trà Nóc, quận Bình Thủy, TP Cần Thơ.

Biểu tượng tâm linh 70 tỉ đồng đang thi công ở Lào Cai

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Theo Cục Thuế tỉnh Bình Định, trường hợp Bamboo Airways không nộp đủ số tiền thuế nợ, Cục sẽ cưỡng chế ngừng sử dụng hóa đơn đối với công ty này.

Thêm một thi thể mất tích tại Làng Nủ được tìm thấy

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Cho thôi Đại biểu Quốc hội đối với Phó Bí thư Lâm Đồng

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Weather today 9/23: Cold air continues to affect


Weather today September 23, cold air continues to affect, the North and Thanh Hoa regions are cool, the mountainous areas of the North are cold in some places.

Weather today 9/22: Cold air causes heavy rain in the North


Today's weather, September 22, cold air causes thunderstorms in the North, some places have very heavy rain. The lowest temperature ranges from 21 - 24 degrees Celsius, some places below 21 degrees Celsius.

The storm season is fierce, how many more storms are forecast to make landfall?


The meteorological agency predicts that from October to December 2024, the number of storms making landfall will be higher than the average of many years.