Dak Lak lacks industrial parks to create jobs for workers


Although the labor force is abundant, Dak Lak province only has one operating industrial park. Therefore, the construction of new industrial parks in the area is extremely urgent so that enterprises have land to develop production and business, creating jobs for local workers.

Businesses thirst for land to build factories

Mr. Pham Dong Thanh - Chairman of the Dak Lak Province Young Entrepreneurs Association - said that many member businesses in the unit are in need of renting land in industrial parks to expand production and business.

However, the province only has one Hoa Phu industrial park in operation but it has run out of land. If there is an agreement to transfer it to another unit, the price will be too high. Previously, small manufacturing enterprises did not need much land. Now, many units want to expand their scale but cannot because they do not have land.

“Not only members of the association, many other businesses when coming to the province to exchange with the unit, raised the issue of linking up to do business and produce in Dak Lak. However, this desire only stopped at the proposed idea and has not yet become a reality because there is no more land to rent and build large-scale facilities,” Mr. Thanh added.

The leader of the Dak Lak Industrial Park Management Board shared: “The biggest difficulty for the locality when implementing the construction of new industrial parks is the land use quota. Previously, the Central Government allowed the province to have a total area of ​​410 hectares to build industrial parks. However, considering the reality, the Dak Lak Provincial People's Committee proposed a total area of ​​more than 600 hectares to meet practical requirements.

For example, Hoa Phu Industrial Park (Buon Ma Thuot city) is currently using 165 hectares of land with 59 projects. Of which, there are 5 FDI ​​projects, 100% foreign capital. Here, according to the planning, the unit can still expand by 150 hectares, but due to many current regulations and policies, it has not been able to implement. The land fund of the industrial park has run out while there are still many businesses coming to ask to rent land for production and business activities.

Focus on opening more industrial zones

Currently, the entire Dak Lak province is implementing zoning planning procedures to build 5 industrial parks with more than 1,800 hectares.

In addition, the province also proposed the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to advise the Government to add more planning areas for industrial parks in the area. When this process is completed, Dak Lak province will meet all the criteria to attract investors, especially FDI enterprises.

“The biggest limitation of Dak Lak province in the past was that the transport infrastructure was not yet developed, making it difficult to attract businesses to invest. However, after starting the construction of the Khanh Hoa - Buon Ma Thuot expressway, many businesses came to ask for investment capital and production and business. This is an easily visible advantage, which is why the early implementation of additional large-scale industrial parks is extremely urgent.

The Dak Lak Provincial People's Committee is requesting relevant units to build new industrial parks to create leverage for socio-economic development in the near future. However, the process of deciding on investment policies and building new industrial parks must be decided by the Prime Minister" - the leader of the Dak Lak Provincial Industrial Parks Management Board shared more.

According to the investigation, the dossier and procedures for the construction of Phu Xuan Industrial Park (Buon Ma Thuot City) are being appraised by the Ministry of Planning and Investment to submit to the Prime Minister for comments. After the Central Government approves the investment policy and selects investors, the Dak Lak Provincial People's Committee will create all favorable conditions for businesses wishing to invest in the locality.

Currently, foreign enterprises investing in Dak Lak province and setting up facilities in industrial parks must meet the requirement of recruiting 700 workers or more. In fact, many foreign enterprises and the province have recruited more than 1,000 workers, most of whom are local ethnic minorities.


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