What is exercise 6-12-25?
Exercise 6-12-25 is a training method designed to build muscle, while improving endurance and fat loss. The focus of the exercise is a muscle group for each half with three exercises. The digits in this method indicate the number of repetitions in each round.
This exercise follows the structure:
6 repetitions of heavy complex movements
12 moderate weightlifting exercises
25 repetitions of light exercises or exercise
Very little resting time (10-15 seconds), making this a high intensity training method extremely effective.
What is the benefit of exercise 6-12-25?
According to research published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Community Health, exercise 6-12-25 helps muscle growth. When performing the exercise, the volume and high bearing time help promote effective muscle growth, help the body firm and repel the risk of cardiovascular and diabetes type 2.
According to research by Sports Medicine magazine, 6 repetitions of severe complex movements in exercise 6-12-25 are good for strengthening strength, reducing the risk of injury.
12 and 25 times repeated in exercise 6-12-25 to train endurance, helping the body work longer without muscle fatigue.
6-12-25 exercise format with high number of repetitions and minimum rest time can burn a lot of calories and support fat reduction. Activate the combustion effect later, meaning your body continues to burn calories even after the training session.
Short break time during exercise 6-12-25 can increase your heart rate, help improve cardiovascular health.