This is an advanced movement compared to conventional push -ups, improving the efficiency of muscle construction and improving elbow and biceps. By changing weight from side to side, you have increased difficulty and activated muscles not used much compared to conventional pushing.
Start in a wide -fitting push -up posture, two hands are a bit wider than the shoulders. Lower your chest towards one hand, stretching out the opposite arm. Pushing up and moving to the other side, alternating alternating repeats. Do 10 times each side.
2. Superman posture
This is a bodyweight (mainly focused on body weight) effectively to enhance the entire rear muscle chain including lower back, buttocks and shoulders. This exercise enhances the stability of the spine, very important to maintain good posture and prevent back pain.
Lying on your stomach on the floor, your arms straight out. Lift your arms, chest and legs out of the ground at the same time. Keep the posture for 30 seconds, tightening the buttocks and lower back. Lower and repeat.
3. Bulgarian Split Squat (Advanced Squat Exercise)
This is an exercise that affects each leg to enhance the strength of the lower body, especially in the thighs, hamstring and butt muscles. Advanced hind legs increase the range of motion, tying the front leg to develop more strength and stability. This exercise also improves balance and coordination.
Stand about 90 cm from the chair, one leg on the chair behind you. Lower your body to squat, keeping your knees in line with your toes. Push yourself back to the starting position. Do 10 steps each.
4. Plank touches shoulder
This move enhances the stability of the core muscles while also impacting the shoulders and arms. Unlike static planks, additional movements force your abdominal muscles to work harder to maintain balance. This exercise also improves posture and protects the lower back.
Start in a high plank position with 2 hands under the shoulder. Raise one hand to touch the opposite shoulder while keeping the hips stable. Switch sides but not to sway. Do 15 times each side.