Healing the soul from small things

Chi Trần |

Finding peace in the simple things that we sometimes overlook in the hustle and bustle of life, that is the profound, gentle message that author and journalist Phan Dang wants to convey through 2 books: "39 stories for peace of mind" and "I thought I was a Human".

Finding peace of mind

After launching the books "39 ​​questions for young people", "39 dialogues for young people", "39 short meditations to see", "39 dialogues of knowledge", author Phan Dang will meet readers again in 2024 with the publication series "39 ​​stories for peace of mind" and the poetry collection "I thought I was a person". These continue to be works that guide readers on a journey of healing, focusing on themselves, cherishing every moment in life.

Talking to Lao Dong Newspaper, author Phan Dang said: “The stories in the book "39 stories for peace of mind" are all very simple and everyday things. For example, about an egg, about a leaf, nothing profound. But it carries the spirit of meditation and healing, coming from my observations in the process of looking at life. I write those things down very simply and gently. Those are things that many people may not notice because they are busy with work. This book is only about simple things with a quiet contemplation.”

Even though it is just an egg, if we calmly look deeply into that egg, we will encounter many causes and conditions outside the egg. Because the egg is inherently made up of elements that are not the egg, in accordance with the spirit of “form is emptiness”.

The book “39 stories for peace of mind” is special in that it will be sold and released together with the poetry collection “I thought I was a Human”. This is the first poetry collection, marking a new milestone in the creative journey of author Phan Dang.

The purpose of launching two publications at the same time is to bring a complete experience, which can awaken the peaceful part of each person's mind, not only for reading, but also for viewing the pictures. The pictures are also designed with a quiet, suggestive style, so that when reading and viewing the pictures, the two books will bring a whole experience of consciousness.

“It is not just a book to read, to get information. My previous books were aimed at young people or those who want to learn meditation, but "39 stories for peace of mind" is healing. Those who are too busy, caught up in the cycle of a busy life always need quiet moments. After each story in the book, I suggest a breath. That is, after reading the story, you breathe. And each breath is associated with a certain drawing. All are very suggestive drawings, done by a delicate artist, with the hope that maybe with that story, that drawing, and that breath, your mind will calm down.

When your mind calms down, who knows, you might see many things that you haven’t seen in the noise of everyday life? Hopefully, the book can touch those deep parts,” the author confided.

Continuing the spirit of the book “39 short meditations to see”, the new publication “39 stories for peace of mind” continues to lead readers to a calmer, more contemplative way of thinking. In the face of the noise and worries of life outside, readers should give themselves some quiet time, to become smaller and see the world fully.

The idea of ​​publishing a book and a poetry collection at the same time is something Phan Dang has been nurturing for a long time. Previously, he felt that he was not mature enough and was not confident in writing. But after a period of writing, Phan Dang was more satisfied and decided to publish his first book of poetry.

The author shares about his newly released "brainchild": "The reason "39 Stories for Peace of Mind" is associated with a poetry collection called "I Thought I Was a Human" is because reading poetry is actually a mental experience. The poems in this book are selected based on the criteria that can touch something deep inside you. The title of the poetry collection is also based on that criterion - "I Thought I Was a Human". Am I really a "human"?

In the book of poems, readers will encounter strange illustrations, one verse can cover 2 pages of the book. It is an aesthetic signal designed by the artist with the desire to touch the deep hidden vibrations in the reader. Those arrangements will help readers experience the journey of a person going from the outside to the inside, from an insecure heart to a peaceful heart. The book of poems has the same "tone" as the book "39 stories for a peaceful heart", so they were published together.

Tac gia Phan Dang va hanh trinh chua lanh thong qua nhung cau chuyen doi thuong. Anh: Nhan vat cung cap
Author Phan Dang and his healing journey through everyday stories. Photo: Character provided

New milestone in the creative journey

After many years of writing books, author Phan Dang has become more and more quiet and observant to realize that changes are just beginning to emerge, hour by hour, minute by minute. That way of writing is much different from the time he launched "39 questions for young people" or "39 dialogues for young people".

“In the past, when I wrote, my writing was directed outward, but recently when I calm down and meditate, my writing is simple and has an inward color. Poetry is fragments in the process of observing my own consciousness. Poetry is more momentary and temporary. Writing is more contemplative,” Phan Dang shared.

When the book was published, author Phan Dang said he did not expect or expect anything, he just did his best, and how well readers received it did not have much impact. For Phan Dang, the people who read his books sometimes have a destiny. There are many books that the author invested a lot in, but were not well received and vice versa.

“My latest books and my first collection of poems show that I have become calmer. I have recognized my ego more clearly and it has also become smaller. In the past, I could think about winning or losing, but now it is no longer so important. Before, I was also impulsive, always paying attention to the outside. But now that is not important either. A journey from insecurity to a place that is getting closer and closer to peace. I also hope that this pair of books will awaken readers, so that readers can also experience the same journey,” said author Phan Dang.

For author Phan Dang, facing and recognizing the ego is a very necessary process to escape the suffering and pain in life. For young people, it is even more difficult for them to stand up after falling, confused in the journey of self-salvation. Only when the ego is recognized, the pain will be revealed, because the ego contains dark pieces, obscuring the beautiful corners of the soul.

“I recognize my ego in this way. For example, in the past, when anger flared up, I would let the anger wrap around me and would speak, think, and act negatively. But now when anger flares up, I recognize that anger, then I separate myself from it, to observe my emotions. The anger will subside, or in meditation people call it mindfulness with emotions. The ego is the same. One of the biggest faces of the ego is the desire to show off, to flaunt oneself, to prove that one is better than others. But now, as soon as that mind arises, I recognize it. When I recognize it, the mindfulness mechanism will naturally adjust, and the ego will gradually become smaller. It will take a process of practice to separate like that,” said author Phan Dang.

Through his own profound experiences, author Phan Dang has put into his books to help readers have a "toolkit to look inside". The publications bearing the characteristic number 39 of Phan Dang are increasingly perfecting and complementing each other, with the hope of helping readers go through an interesting journey of inner discovery.

Chi Trần

Dòng sông và ông trăng

Tạp bút và ảnh Phan Thị Lãm |

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Giúp trẻ em thêm yêu ca dao, tục ngữ, thành ngữ

Ngọc dủ |

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The River and the Moon

Tạp bút và ảnh Phan Thị Lãm |

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