Heroic capital of a heroic nation

Kim Sơn |

After 9 years of protracted resistance, with the brilliant victory of Dien Bien Phu, our army and people won the victory over the French colonialists. A long, arduous, heroic and resourceful struggle, full of pain and humiliation, with many sacrifices to achieve glorious victory, but our army and people always shone with patriotism and heroic tradition. 70 years ago, also in the atmosphere of Autumn, Hanoi welcomed the victorious army back to build the socialist North, creating the premise for national unification, the country reunited.

Five gates welcome the advancing army

“The army marches like waves, layer upon layer, The army marches forward, We go and hear the joy when the enemy surrenders, The flag of that day flies in the street.”

The song "Marching to Hanoi" was created in 1949 by musician Van Cao, reflecting the optimistic spirit and aspiration to liberate the capital during the preparation period for the general counter-offensive. However, it was not until 5 years later that the musician's brilliant prediction became a reality. During that time, our nation experienced many hardships, the culmination of which was the earth-shaking Dien Bien Phu victory, forcing the French colonialists to sign the Geneva Accords, ending the war in Indochina.

At that time, the heroic lyrics in "Marching to Hanoi" were no longer a distant dream. The image of five city gates wide open to welcome the victorious army, likened to: "Five city gates welcome the advancing army / Like a flower platform welcoming the blooming of five peach petals". October 8, 1954 marked a major event when our army units entered the capital from many directions, including De La Thanh, Vinh Tuy, Bach Mai, Nga Tu So, O Cau Giay and Nhat Tan streets. The next morning, our army quickly took over important positions such as Hang Co station, the Water Fort area, the Lake area and the North Vietnamese Prime Minister's office. By 4:00 p.m. the same day, the last French soldiers withdrew from the north of Long Bien bridge, marking the end of the colonial period.

On October 10, 1954, we witnessed the glorious scene when our army entered the city center. Hanoi people poured into the streets, joyfully welcoming us with flags, pictures of Uncle Ho and jubilant slogans. At 3:00 p.m., the siren from the Opera House sounded, signaling the historic moment. Hundreds of thousands of Hanoi people gathered at the Flagpole Stadium, at the foot of Hanoi Citadel, solemnly attending the flag-raising ceremony organized by the Military and Political Committee. October 10, 1954 went down in history as the Liberation Day of the Capital.

70 years of development

Looking back over the past 70 years, we cannot help but be proud of the remarkable progress that the capital city of Hanoi has made. From a city heavily devastated by years of war, Hanoi has risen to become a modern, dynamic metropolis. This process reflects the crystallization of the spirit, will and aspirations of the people of the capital in particular and the Vietnamese people in general.

Hanoi in the early days of liberation was a city with many war scars. With solidarity and determination, the people of the capital embarked on the task of rebuilding the city from the ruins. Then, when the country entered the period of renovation, Hanoi witnessed a strong transformation, gradually becoming the most important economic, political and cultural center of the whole country.

Promoting the resilient revolutionary spirit passed down from previous generations, the Party Committee, government and people of the capital have been proactive and creative in building and implementing many comprehensive and synchronous development strategies in all economic and social aspects, contributing to significantly improving the quality of life, both materially and spiritually, for Hanoi residents.

2023 will see Hanoi's gross regional domestic product (GRDP) growth rate reach 6.27%, surpassing the national average of 5.05%. Notably, the average income per capita in the capital has improved significantly, reaching VND150 million per year. In terms of budget, Hanoi has affirmed its leading position in the country in domestic revenue in the past two years.

2022 marks an important milestone when the total budget revenue in the city exceeded 300,000 billion VND for the first time, reaching 332,089 billion VND. Of which, domestic revenue also set a record of 302,917 billion VND. Following this success, 2023 will witness the total state budget revenue in Hanoi reaching more than 410,000 billion VND, with domestic revenue continuing to hold the number one position in the country, surpassing 381,000 billion VND.

In addition to economic achievements, Hanoi has also recorded significant progress in rural development. By the end of 2023, all 18 districts of the city had met new rural standards. Specifically, 382/382 communes met new rural standards, of which 183 communes met advanced standards and 68 communes met model standards. At the same time, the city has also maintained social security, ensured national defense and security in the area.

In particular, the capital's labor productivity has continuously improved, with an average annual growth rate of over 7%. New urban areas, bustling commercial centers, and an increasingly complete transportation system have contributed to creating a new look for the capital. However, what is valuable is that in the process of development, Hanoi still retains its traditional beauty and unique cultural values ​​that have existed for thousands of years.

The year 2024 marks the important milestone of 70 years of the Liberation of the Capital, the city is constantly innovating and creating to be worthy of its position as the heart of the whole country. The theme "Hanoi - Capital of conscience and human dignity - Where the noble and typical values ​​of the nation converge, crystallize and shine" was chosen as the main message for the celebration activities, reflecting the spirit and aspirations of the Capital in the new period. It shows that Hanoi not only focuses on economic development but also puts people at the center of the development process, attaching importance to preserving and promoting traditional cultural values.

Since the "Edict on the Transfer of the Capital" of King Ly Thai To in 1010 until now, Thang Long - Hanoi has gone through many ups and downs of history. But the capital Hanoi is still "an important gathering place of the four corners of the country", still full of vitality to develop step by step, worthy of the thousand-year tradition of culture, worthy of the trust and pride of the people of the whole country, loved, admired and praised by friends around the world as "The Capital of Conscience and Human Dignity".

Kim Sơn

Sắp diễn ra triển lãm 70 năm xây dựng và phát triển Thủ đô

Linh Trang |

Từ ngày 4.10 đến ngày 14.10.2024 tại Bảo tàng Hà Nội diễn ra triển lãm “Thành tựu kinh tế, văn hóa, xã hội của Thủ đô 70 năm xây dựng và phát triển”.

Gắn biển Công trình chào mừng Ngày giải phóng Thủ đô

Kiều Vũ |

Hà Nội – Chiều 2.10, công trình Trạm bơm Phương Trạch 1 được gắn biển Công trình chào mừng Ngày giải phóng Thủ đô.

Huyện Thường Tín: Phát huy truyền thống quê hương Anh hùng, đất danh hương

Khánh An |

Hôm nay (28.8), huyện Thường Tín (TP Hà Nội) tổ chức Lễ kỷ niệm 70 năm Ngày Giải phóng huyện (28.8.1954 - 28.8.2024) và đón nhận Huân chương Lao động hạng Nhất (lần 2).

Một tỉnh tại Việt Nam chịu 6 trận động đất trong ngày

Vương Trần |

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Cận cảnh nhà tưởng niệm Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp tại quê nhà


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Trung Quốc đồng tâm hiệp lực với Nga vụ Nord Stream

Khánh Minh |

Trong cuộc tranh luận về vụ nổ Nord Stream tại Liên Hợp Quốc, Trung Quốc đồng tâm hiệp lực đứng về phía Nga.

Israel oanh tạc Lebanon nghi giết chỉ huy Hezbollah kế nhiệm

Song Minh |

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Kỷ luật cán bộ tuần qua ở Quảng Trị, TPHCM, An Giang


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Exhibition on 70 years of construction and development of the Capital is coming soon

Linh Trang |

From October 4 to October 14, 2024, the exhibition "Economic, cultural and social achievements of the Capital in 70 years of construction and development" will take place at the Hanoi Museum.

Placing a signboard of the project to celebrate the Liberation Day of the Capital

Kiều Vũ |

Hanoi – On the afternoon of October 2, Phuong Trach 1 Pumping Station was given a sign “Project to celebrate the Liberation Day of the Capital”.

Thuong Tin district: Promoting the traditions of the heroic homeland, the famous land

Khánh An |

Today (August 28), Thuong Tin district (Hanoi City) held a ceremony to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the district's Liberation Day (August 28, 1954 - August 28, 2024) and received the First Class Labor Medal (2nd time).