200 workers in Dong Nai practice yoga and drink tea for health


Dong Nai - 200 workers in difficult circumstances at Tam Phuoc Industrial Park, Bien Hoa City practiced Yoga , drank tea and were given gifts.

On the afternoon of August 5, at Chien Vietnam Furniture Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Tam Phuoc Industrial Park, Bien Hoa City), the Dong Nai Provincial Labor Federation coordinated with the Natural Recovery Health Consulting Center (Mermaid Yoga) to organize a program "Yoga and Tea - Connecting health to love" program for 200 workers at 12 enterprises in Tam Phuoc Industrial Park, Bien Hoa City.

More than 200 workers and union officials participated in the program. Photo: HAC
More than 200 workers and union officials participated in the program. Photo: HAC
Tam Phuoc Industrial Park workers perform yoga movements. Photo: HAC
Tam Phuoc Industrial Park workers perform yoga movements. Photo: HAC

At the program, MSc. Phan Mai Huong - Director of the Natural Rehabilitation Health Consulting Center (Mermaid Yoga) guided workers to perform Yoga movements that are good for their health and help them relax such as controlling breathing and movement. Move limbs, muscles, back... especially exercises suitable for workers sitting and standing for long periods of time.

After more than 1 hour of practice, workers have learned many exercises that are good for their health and, most importantly, increased their sense of love, care for their bodies, and increased energy after a tiring day of work. .

Workers drink tea at the program. Photo: HAC
Workers drink tea at the program. Photo: HAC

In addition to Yoga movements, at the program, health experts also disseminate knowledge to care for workers' health such as ensuring daily food; Ensure healthy sleep and activities, good for your health.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Nhu Y - Chairwoman of Dong Nai Province's Confederation of Labor said that the program "Yoga and Tea - Connecting health to love" is a very new activity of Dong Nai Province's Confederation of Labor to connect workers with each other. This is also an activity to take care of the mental health of workers, in addition to the activities of taking care of the material life of Dong Nai trade union.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Nhu Y - Chairwoman of Dong Nai Province Confederation of Labor gave gifts to workers. Photo: HAC
Ms. Nguyen Thi Nhu Y - Chairwoman of Dong Nai Province Confederation of Labor gave gifts to workers. Photo: HAC

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Tin - Chairwoman of the Grassroots Trade Union of Chien Vietnam Furniture Manufacturing Co., Ltd. said that this is a very meaningful program, the business will arrange time for workers to apply and strengthen their health. Strong.


Những lợi ích của tư thế trồng cây chuối hoa sen trong yoga


Tư thế trồng cây chuối hoa sen, có thể giúp cải thiện tiêu hóa và tránh căng thẳng. Sau đây là những lợi ích và các bước thực hiện đúng.

Lợi ích và cách thực hiện tư thế ananda balasana trong yoga


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Ảnh hưởng thi công âu thuyền, nhà dân bị ngập sâu trong nước


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