Quang Tri praises outstanding workers and union presidents


Every 5 years, the Labor Confederation of Quang Tri province selects typical workers and grass-roots union presidents to praise.

On August 6, the Confederation of Labor of Quang Tri province organized a ceremony to praise outstanding labor workers and union presidents.

Mr. Nguyen The Lap, Chairman of the Confederation of Labor of Quang Tri province, said that every 5 years, the Confederation of Labor of Quang Tri province coordinates with the Emulation and Commendation Committee of Quang Tri province to deploy to all trade union levels in the province, to organize select typical workers, labor officials and grassroots union presidents.

Mr. Nguyen The Lap - Chairman of the Confederation of Labor of Quang Tri province spoke at the ceremony. Photo: Hung Tho.
Mr. Nguyen The Lap - Chairman of the Confederation of Labor of Quang Tri province spoke at the ceremony. Photo: Hung Tho.

On this occasion, through selection at all levels, the Chairman of the People's Committee of Quang Tri province decided to award Certificates of Merit to 35 labor workers and 25 typical grassroots trade union presidents. These individuals have many outstanding achievements in the movement of emulating good workers, creative workers and building strong trade unions in the 2019-2023 period.

Secretary of Quang Tri Provincial Party Committee Le Quang Tung spoke at the ceremony. Photo: Hung Tho.
Secretary of Quang Tri Provincial Party Committee Le Quang Tung spoke at the ceremony. Photo: Hung Tho.

Through praising outstanding workers, employees and grassroots trade union presidents, the Confederation of Labor of Quang Tri province calls on all union members, workers, employees and trade unions at all levels in the province to coordinate with other organizations. Government levels, agencies, units and businesses continue to promote labor and production emulation movements.

Leaders of the Provincial Party Committee and People's Council of Quang Tri province presented flowers and certificates of merit to workers. Photo: Hung Tho.
Leaders of the Provincial Party Committee and People's Council of Quang Tri province presented flowers and certificates of merit to workers. Photo: Hung Tho.

Attending the conference to praise outstanding workers and employees and presidents of grassroots trade unions, Mr. Le Quang Tung - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Quang Tri Provincial Party Committee, wished that 60 individuals would be praised. Today, we will continue to promote the results achieved, be the nucleus in agencies, units, and businesses, creating a strong spread so that there are more and more beautiful flowers in emulation movements. Patriot.

Chairman of Lao Bao Secondary School's Union received flowers and a Certificate of Merit from the leaders of the Provincial People's Committee and the Labor Confederation of Quang Tri province. Photo: Hung Tho.
Chairman of Lao Bao Secondary School's Union received flowers and a Certificate of Merit from the leaders of the Provincial People's Committee and the Labor Confederation of Quang Tri province. Photo: Hung Tho.

Secretary of the Quang Tri Provincial Party Committee said that the formation and development of the Southeast Economic Zone and local economic zones and industrial parks have been attracting many investors to invest in the area. Accordingly, the number of businesses and the workforce will increase rapidly, associated with the inevitable requirement that workers in businesses must have the right to choose organizations that represent their legitimate rights and interests. More than anyone else, trade unions are legal organizations that protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers.

Leaders of Quang Tri province congratulated the individuals who were praised. Photo: Hung Tho.
Leaders of Quang Tri province congratulated the individuals who were praised. Photo: Hung Tho.

Therefore, the Provincial Labor Federation must continue to innovate operating methods to suit new task requirements. Continue to perform well the function of representing and protecting the legal and legitimate rights and interests of union members and workers, especially in solving employment problems and ensuring labor safety and hygiene; firmly grasp the situation of workers and laborers; Building democratic, lawful, and harmonious labor relationships so that employees trust, share, and long-term companionship with the business.


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