Commending 95 outstanding Thanh Hoa Trade Union officials in 2024


Thanh Hoa - On the morning of October 9, the Provincial Federation of Labor held a ceremony to honor 95 outstanding union officials in 2024, on the occasion of the 78th anniversary of the founding of Thanh Hoa Union.

Attending the ceremony were Mr. Huynh Thanh Xuan - Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor; Mr. Lai The Nguyen - Standing Deputy Secretary of the Thanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee; along with representatives of the Thanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee, the Provincial Confederation of Labor and union members and officials in the area.

Pho Chu tich Tong LDLD Viet Nam Huynh Thanh Xuan du le bieu duong 95 can bo Cong doan Thanh Hoa tieu bieu nam 2024. Anh: Quach Du
Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Huynh Thanh Xuan attended the ceremony to honor 95 outstanding Thanh Hoa Trade Union officials in 2024. Photo: Quach Du

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Mr. Vo Manh Son - Chairman of Thanh Hoa Provincial Labor Federation said that during the nearly 80 years of construction and development, Thanh Hoa Labor Union was honored to welcome Uncle Ho to visit and speak at the 6th Labor Union Congress in 1960.

Imbued with Uncle Ho's teachings, arousing the creative labor potential in the contingent of cadres and union members, contributing to the strong socio-economic development of the province, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Federation of Labor deployed a plan to organize the forum "Innovation, creativity, socio-economic development, building a civilized and prosperous Thanh Hoa homeland, period 2024 - 2030".

Ong Vo Manh Son - Chu tich LDLD tinh Thanh Hoa phat bieu khai mac. Anh: Quach Du
Mr. Vo Manh Son - Chairman of Thanh Hoa Provincial Labor Federation delivered the opening speech. Photo: Quach Du

In recent years, the world and regional situation has had many complex and unpredictable developments, with more difficulties than advantages. However, trade unions at all levels in the province have proactively innovated content and methods, improved operational efficiency, and performed well the function of participating in state management and socio-economic management; together with the government, agencies, units, and enterprises, they have well implemented regimes and policies related to workers, especially in the fields of wages, social insurance, health insurance, and occupational safety and hygiene, etc.

Caring for the lives of union members and workers is focused on. Many activities such as "Tet Sum Vay", "Workers' Month"... are effectively implemented. In particular, Thanh Hoa Trade Union is the leading unit nationwide in implementing the program "01 million initiatives - efforts to overcome difficulties, creativity, determination to defeat the COVID-19 pandemic".

Ong Lai The Nguyen - Pho Bi thu Thuong truc Tinh uy Thanh Hoa phat bieu tai le bieu duong. Anh: Quach Du
Mr. Lai The Nguyen - Standing Deputy Secretary of Thanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee spoke at the commendation ceremony. Photo: Quach Du

The initiatives of Thanh Hoa cadres, union members and workers have high socio-economic value, contributing to promoting management and administrative reform, helping production and business activities of agencies, units and enterprises to be restored and developed. The total value of benefits for agencies and enterprises is estimated at over 584 billion VND.

Many emulation movements, especially the movement "Workers, civil servants, and laborers take the lead in realizing the aspiration of building a civilized and prosperous Thanh Hoa homeland, period 2021-2030" attracted a large number of union members and laborers to participate.

Dai dien lanh dao Tong LDLD Viet Nam va Tinh uy Thanh Hoa trao hoa va bieu duong can bo cong doan co thanh tich xuat sac. Anh: Quach Du
Representatives of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor and Thanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee presented flowers and commended union officials with outstanding achievements. Photo: Quach Du

Attending and speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Lai The Nguyen - Standing Deputy Secretary of Thanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee acknowledged and commended the great achievements and contributions that the team of workers, civil servants and the Trade Union of Thanh Hoa province have achieved over the past 78 years.

Along with that, we hope that Thanh Hoa Trade Union at all levels will continue to make efforts to build a working class worthy of being the core force, leading the cause of innovation, industrialization and modernization of the country. Perform well the role of representing and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of workers and laborers.

Dai dien lanh dao Tinh uy va LDLD tinh Thanh Hoa trao hoa
Representatives of the Thanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee and Labor Federation presented flowers and commended union officials with outstanding achievements. Photo: Quach Du

At the ceremony, representatives of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, Thanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee, and the Provincial Labor Federation awarded the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor's "For the cause of building trade union organizations" Medal to 20 individuals with outstanding achievements and commended 95 exemplary trade union officials in 2024.

A delegation of outstanding trade union officials from Thanh Hoa province offered flowers and incense at the President Ho Chi Minh Memorial Cultural Area. Photo: Quach Du

Earlier, on the same morning, a delegation of outstanding union officials from Thanh Hoa province came to offer flowers, incense, and report on Uncle Ho's achievements at the President Ho Chi Minh Memorial Cultural Area (in Thanh Hoa City).


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