According to data from the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, on March 20, the Southeast region will have localized hot weather. The lowest relative humidity is commonly 55 - 65%.
On March 21 - 22, the Southeast region will have hot weather with the highest temperature commonly from 35 - 36 degrees Celsius. The lowest relatively humidity is commonly 50 - 55%. The hot weather lasts from 12 to 15 hours.
The meteorological agency warns that the heat in the Southeast region is likely to last in the coming days. The risk level of natural disasters due to heat is level 1.
Due to the influence of hot weather combined with low humidity in the air, there is a risk of fire and explosion in residential areas due to increased demand for electricity. In addition, hot weather can also cause dehydration and heat stroke in the human body when exposed to high temperatures for a long time.
The National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting noted that the forecast temperature in hot weather reports and the actual outdoor temperature may vary by 2 - 4 degrees Celsius, or even higher depending on buffer conditions such as concrete and asphalt roads.