Weather forecast for tomorrow 5.2 nationwide


Weather forecast for tomorrow, February 5, Hanoi will have rain in some places. It will be cold with the lowest temperature around 12 - 14 degrees Celsius. Ho Chi Minh City will have sunny days and no rain at night.

The National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting has updated the weather forecast for tomorrow (February 5) in the regions.

Accordingly, the North and North Central regions will be cold, especially in the mountainous areas of the North, some places will be very cold.

Central Highlands region has scattered showers at night, sunny during the day. Cold at night and early morning.

Southern region: no rain at night, sunny during the day.

Weather forecast tomorrow 5.2 for areas:


Lowest temperature: 12-14 degrees Celsius.

Highest temperature: 18-20 degrees Celsius.

Cloudy, some rain. Northeast wind level 2-3. Cold.


Lowest temperature: 11-14 degrees Celsius, some places below 11 degrees Celsius.

Highest temperature: 18-21 degrees Celsius, some places above 21 degrees Celsius.

Cloudy, some rain, sunny in the afternoon. Light wind. Cold, some places very cold.


Lowest temperature: 11-14 degrees Celsius; mountainous areas 8-10 degrees Celsius, high mountainous areas in some places below 6 degrees Celsius.

Highest temperature: 17-20 degrees Celsius, some places above 20 degrees Celsius.

Cloudy, some rain. Northeast wind level 2-3. Cold; mountainous areas are very cold, some places are very cold.

Thanh Hoa to Hue

Lowest temperature: 11-14 degrees Celsius; South 14-17 degrees Celsius.

Highest temperature: 17-20 degrees Celsius, some places above 20 degrees Celsius.

Cloudy, with rain in some places; in the South, there will be scattered rain and showers at night. North to northwest wind level 2-3. Cold weather.

Da Nang to Binh Thuan

Lowest temperature: 19-21 degrees Celsius, South 21-23 degrees Celsius.

Highest temperature: 22-25 degrees Celsius; South 26-29 degrees Celsius, some places above 29 degrees Celsius.

Cloudy in the North, with rain and showers at night; some rain during the day; cloudy in the South, some showers. Northeast wind level 3, coastal areas level 3-4, some places with gusts of level 6. Cold at night and morning in the North.

Central Highlands

Lowest temperature: 15-18 degrees Celsius.

Highest temperature: 26-29 degrees Celsius.

Cloudy, scattered showers at night, sunny during the day. Northeast wind level 2-3. Cold at night and morning.

Southern Vietnam

Lowest temperature: 21-24 degrees Celsius, in the East some places below 20 degrees Celsius.

Highest temperature: 30-33 degrees Celsius, some places above 33 degrees Celsius.

Cloudy, no rain at night, sunny during the day. Northeast wind level 2-3.


Weather forecast for the next 3 days from 5.2 to 7.2 in all three regions


According to the meteorological agency, the weather forecast for the Northern and North Central regions is for scattered rain and showers from February 7.

Bad weather forecast in the East Sea due to cold air


The meteorological agency continues to warn that many areas in the East Sea will have bad weather in the next two days due to cold air.

Weather today 3.2: Cold air causes rain and cold after Tet


Today's weather, February 3, in the North and North Central regions, it will be rainy and cold due to the impact of cold air on the first working day after the Lunar New Year holiday.

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Weather forecast for the next 3 days from 5.2 to 7.2 in all three regions


According to the meteorological agency, the weather forecast for the Northern and North Central regions is for scattered rain and showers from February 7.

Bad weather forecast in the East Sea due to cold air

Thảo Anh |

The meteorological agency continues to warn that many areas in the East Sea will have bad weather in the next two days due to cold air.

Weather today 3.2: Cold air causes rain and cold after Tet


Today's weather, February 3, in the North and North Central regions, it will be rainy and cold due to the impact of cold air on the first working day after the Lunar New Year holiday.