11 heart-healthy eating habits parents should teach their children


For children, in addition to physical activity, establishing good nutritional habits from an early age is an important part of protecting heart health.

Ms. Pooja Kedia - nutritionist at Cloudnine Hospital (Whitefeild, Bengaluru, India) - points out some heart-healthy eating habits for children that parents need to guide their children:

1. Parents should encourage their children to include more fruits and vegetables in their diet to provide a variety of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help support heart health.

2. Choose whole grains like oats, quinoa, barley instead of relying on refined carbohydrates like refined flour. Whole grains contain dietary fiber that helps children control blood cholesterol levels.

3. Include healthy fats in your child's diet and limit saturated and trans fats.

Olive oil, canola oil, nuts and seeds should be included in your child's diet while avoiding fats found in things like cream sauces and margarine that increase cholesterol levels.

Focus on choosing low-fat proteins such as low-fat dairy products, soy, beans, etc. Limit processed meats because they are high in fat and salt.

4. Children should eat low-sodium foods and use herbs, spices, and salt-free seasoning mixes to flavor their food instead of adding too much table salt, canned foods, and preserved foods. Because a low-salt diet will control blood pressure and reduce the burden on the heart.

5. Include more healthy fluids in your child’s diet as it helps the heart pump blood more efficiently and reduces stress on the heart. Choosing water, coconut water, soups instead of sugary drinks and carbonated drinks will be a great idea for heart health.

6. Add fatty fish, flaxseeds, chia seeds and walnuts to your child's diet as these are all rich sources of omega-3.

7. Limit added sugar as it controls diabetes and obesity. Opting for natural sweeteners would be a good option like honey, jaggery and date syrup.

8. Children's nutritional needs vary depending on age, activity and growth rate so it is important to provide them with appropriate diet.

9. Instead of frying, use baking, boiling or steaming as your primary cooking method.

10. Always keep healthy snacks stocked at home. Having a variety of tasty options within reach will help reduce the temptation for kids to choose less healthy options.

11. Giving your child an occasional snack like a candy bar or a handful of potato chips won't ruin their heart-healthy diet.

However, it is important to keep control and not let children be tempted by junk food, as it can lead to them giving up good eating habits.


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