Deteriorated bridge in Hue, people move in fear


HUE - More than 4,000 people living on Con Hen (Vy Da ward, Hue city) are worried when traveling on the degraded Phu Luu bridge.

Mua mua lu, cau Phu Luu bac qua Con Hen thuoc phuong Vy Da, TP Hue la mot cong trinh giao thong duoc dia phuong dac biet quan tam khi cay cau nay da xuong cap nghiem trong. Theo tim hieu, cau Phu Luu duoc dua vao hoat dong tu nam 1967. Cau dai 13,5m, rong 3,16m, nam tren duong Ung Binh. Day la duong bo duy nhat cua 1.017 ho, 4.104 nhan khau tai Con Hen co the qua lai.
During the rainy season, Phu Luu Bridge across Con Hen in Vy Da Ward, Hue City is a traffic project that receives special attention from the local authorities as the bridge has seriously degraded. According to research, Phu Luu Bridge was put into operation in 1967. The bridge is 13.5m long, 3.16m wide, located on Ung Binh Street. This is the only road that 1,017 households and 4,104 people in Con Hen can use.
Ngay 13.9, UBND tinh Thua Thien Hue da phoi hop voi Khu Quan ly Duong bo II to chuc kiem tra tong the mo tru cac cau tren dia ban tinh nham dam bao an toan cho cac cau, giao thong, nguoi va phuong tien luu thong truoc mua mua bao.
On September 13, the People's Committee of Thua Thien Hue province coordinated with Road Management Area II to conduct a comprehensive inspection of bridge piers in the province to ensure safety for bridges, traffic, people and vehicles before the rainy and stormy season.
Theo Trung tam Quan ly va Khai thac Ha tang Ky thuat TP Hue, qua phan tich, danh gia thuc trang cua cau Phu Luu va y kien de nghi cua doi tho lan khao sat thuc te, cau co mot so hu hong, mo tru cau nhieu noi bay ra ca sat thep ben trong, nhieu thanh da bi hoen gi… khong dam bao trong tai cau 5,5 tan.
According to the Hue City Center for Technical Infrastructure Management and Exploitation, through analysis and assessment of the current state of Phu Luu Bridge and the recommendations of the survey team, the bridge has some damage, the bridge piers in many places have exposed iron and steel inside, many beams are rusted... not ensuring the bridge's load capacity of 5.5 tons.
Ghi nhan cua Lao Dong, ngoai cac mo tru, thanh da bi hoen gi, lo sat thep, thi cac thanh thep ket noi tren cau cung da hoen gi. Cung voi do, chieu rong mat cau chi 3,16m, khi co xe oto di len thi chi luu thong duoc mot chieu dan den tinh trang ach tac giao thong. Dong thoi, mat do phuong tien di chuyen lon, lop chong truot tren mat cau bien mat, gay nguy hiem cho nguoi tham gia giao thong.
According to Lao Dong, in addition to the rusty piers and beams, the connecting steel bars on the bridge are also rusted. In addition, the width of the bridge is only 3.16m, when cars go up, traffic can only go in one direction, leading to traffic congestion. At the same time, the density of vehicles is high, the anti-slip layer on the bridge surface disappears, causing danger to road users.
Co nhung thoi diem mưa bao, lu lut khien muc nưoc song Hương dang cao, nguoi dan khong the di chuyen qua lai tren cau Phu Luu, hang ngan nguoi dan tren oc dao bi co lap, gay kho khăn trong viêc ung cuu cua chinh quyen.
There were times when storms and floods caused the water level of the Huong River to rise, making it impossible for people to travel across Phu Luu Bridge, and thousands of people on the oasis were isolated, making it difficult for the government to respond.
Ngay 1.10, trao doi voi Lao Dong, ong Tran Viet Trung- Chu tich UBND phuong Vy Da cho biet, luc muc nuoc song Huong dang cao co bao dong tren cap II (+2.5 m) va do cau Phu Luu co hien tuong xuong cap, hu hong, buoc chinh quyen dia phuong phai rao chan, giang day chan 2 dau cau, khong de nguoi dan qua lai vi nguy hiem.
Talking to Lao Dong, Mr. Tran Viet Trung - Chairman of Vy Da Ward People's Committee said that when the water level of Huong River rose, there was an alarm above level II (+2.5 m) and because Phu Luu bridge was degraded and damaged, forcing the local government to barricade and put up ropes at both ends of the bridge, not allowing people to cross because it was dangerous.
Truoc tinh trang cau xuong cap, nguoi dan di chuyen kho khan, du kien se de xuat UBND TP Hue phuong an giao thong tai cau nhu sau: cam bien bao cac loai phuong tien co trong tai tren 1.5 tan qua cau; cam xe khach tren 9 cho qua cau.
Faced with the degraded state of the bridge, making it difficult for people to move, it is expected that the Hue City People's Committee will propose the following traffic plan for the bridge: prohibiting signs for vehicles with a load capacity of over 1.5 tons from crossing the bridge; prohibiting passenger cars with more than 9 seats from crossing the bridge.
Cung voi do, neu muc nuoc song Huong co bao dong cap II (+2m) cam tat ca cac loai phuong tien qua cau, cho phep nguoi di bo qua cau. Con muc nuoc song Huong co bao dong tren cap II (+2.5m) cam tat ca nguoi va phuong tien qua cau, co rao chan dam bao 02 dau cau. Dong thoi, kien nghi voi UBND TP Hue chi dao cac don vi lien quan kiem tra, kiem dinh danh gia thuc trang toan bo cau Phu Luu de sua chua hoac thay moi.
Along with that, if the water level of the Huong River is at level II (+2m), all vehicles are prohibited from crossing the bridge, and pedestrians are allowed to cross the bridge. If the water level of the Huong River is above level II (+2.5m), all people and vehicles are prohibited from crossing the bridge, and barriers are secured at both ends of the bridge. At the same time, it is recommended that the Hue City People's Committee direct relevant units to inspect, assess and evaluate the current status of the entire Phu Luu Bridge for repair or replacement.
Truoc do, do xuong cap, cau Phu Luu phai trai qua nhieu lan sua chua, trong do co 2 lan su dung lai vat lieu cua cau khac chap va vao. Lan dau la su dung cac nhip bang sat thep cua cau Truong Tien bi sap. Nam 2013, khi thuc hien xay moi cau Dong Ba, bac qua song Dong Ba (TP Hue), co quan chuc nang thao do he khung dam thep dem ve lap vao cau Phu Luu.
Previously, due to deterioration, Phu Luu Bridge had to undergo many repairs, including two times reusing materials from other bridges. The first time was using steel spans from the collapsed Truong Tien Bridge. In 2013, when constructing a new Dong Ba Bridge across the Dong Ba River (Hue City), the authorities dismantled the steel girder frame system and installed it on Phu Luu Bridge.
Den nam 2020, UBND tinh Thua Thien Hue bo tri hon 4,7 ti dong de sua chua cau Phu Luu, nham duy tri tuoi tho cau, dap ung nhu cau di lai cua nguoi dan va cac phuong tien nhu: xe cuu thuong, xe tang, xe chua chay hang nho. The nhung hien nay, cay cau dang trong hien trang xuong cap, de doa an nguy cua nguoi va phuong tien qua lai tren cau.
By 2020, the People's Committee of Thua Thien Hue province has allocated more than 4.7 billion VND to repair Phu Luu bridge, in order to maintain the bridge's lifespan, meeting the travel needs of people and vehicles such as ambulances, hearses, and small fire trucks. However, the bridge is currently in a state of disrepair, threatening the safety of people and vehicles passing on the bridge.


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