Multi-year project to build a garbage collection site in Hanoi


The project to build the new urban area of ​​Phung Khoang located in Thanh Xuan and Nam Tu Liem districts (Hanoi) has been fenced off for 16 years due to land acquisition problems.

UBND quan Thanh Xuan cho biet, de day nhanh tien do trien khai xay dung du an xay dung khu do thi moi Phung Khoang, dia phuong da len ke hoach to chuc cuong che doi voi 34 ho dan tren dia ban phuong Nhan Chinh khong ban giao mat bang.
Thanh Xuan District People's Committee said that to speed up the progress of the Phung Khoang new urban area construction project, the locality has planned to organize enforcement against 34 households in Nhan Chinh ward who have not handed over the land.
Theo do, co quan chuc nang du kien se cuong che thu hoi dat de thuc hien du an vao cuoi thang 11.2024.
Accordingly, the authorities plan to forcibly reclaim land to implement the project by the end of November 2024.
Duoc biet, du an nay da duoc UBND TP. Ha Noi phe duyet nam 2008, nam tren dia ban huyen Tu Liem (nay la quan Nam Tu Liem) va quan Thanh Xuan. Tuy nhien, tu do toi nay, du an van chua the trien khai va bi quay ton kin mit, tro thanh noi tap ket trac thai, vat lieu xay dung.
It is known that this project was approved by the Hanoi People's Committee in 2008, located in Tu Liem district (now Nam Tu Liem district) and Thanh Xuan district. However, since then, the project has not been able to be implemented and has been completely surrounded by corrugated iron, becoming a place to collect waste and construction materials.
Qua quan sat, khu vuc thuc hien du an dang co dau hieu hoang hoa, co dai moc um tum.
Through observation, the project area is showing signs of being deserted, with weeds growing everywhere. Inside there are many temporary houses and warehouses for storing goods and materials.
Anh Nguyen Minh Tien (tru tai chung cu Trinity Tower canh du an khu do thi moi Phung Khoang) cho biet, gia dinh anh khong dam mo cua so do ngay canh toa chung cu la mot diem tap ket rac thai lon, thuong xuyen boc mui hoi thoi. Ngoai ra, khu vuc nay co nhieu xe tai cho rac va vat lieu xay dung nen luc nao cung bui mui mit.
Mr. Nguyen Minh Tien (living in Trinity Tower apartment building next to Phung Khoang new urban area project) said that his family did not dare to open the windows because right next to the apartment building is a large garbage collection point, which often gives off a foul smell. In addition, this area has many trucks carrying garbage and construction materials, so it is always dusty.
Du an xay dung khu do thi moi Phung Khoang co quy mo su dung dat: 283.775,5m2; trong tong so 276.711m2 dat phai thu hoi phuc vu du an co 5.837m2 tai phuong Nhan Chinh (quan Thanh Xuan) va tai huyen Tu Liem co 269.380m2 o xa Trung Van, 1.494m2 o xa Me Tri (nay la phuong Trung Van va phuong Me Tri).
The project to build the new urban area of ​​Phung Khoang has a land use scale of 283,775.5m2; of the total 276,711m2 of land to be recovered for the project, there are 5,837m2 in Nhan Chinh ward (Thanh Xuan district) and in Tu Liem district, there are 269,380m2 in Trung Van commune, 1,494m2 in Me Tri commune (now Trung Van ward and Me Tri ward).
Con tai phuong Nhan Chinh, theo thong ke, dien tich dat thuoc du an co lien quan den 53 ho gia dinh, ca nhan va 2 to chuc. Trong do, co 39 thua dat trong va 14 thua dat co cong trinh tren dat.
In Nhan Chinh ward, according to statistics, the land area of ​​the project is related to 53 households, individuals and 2 organizations. Of which, there are 39 vacant plots and 14 plots with constructions on the land.
Cuoi thang 10 vua qua, UBND quan Thanh Xuan da to chuc doi thoai voi cac ho dan thuoc dien thu hoi dat thuc hien du an vao ngay de giai dap nhung van de lien quan. Voi cac truong hop cac ho dan khong dong thuan ban giao mat bang, UBND quan Thanh Xuan se to chuc thuc hien cuong che thu hoi dat.
At the end of October, the People's Committee of Thanh Xuan District organized a dialogue with households whose land was recovered for the project to resolve related issues. In cases where households do not agree to hand over the land, the People's Committee of Thanh Xuan District will organize compulsory land recovery.


The 783 billion VND road project connecting National Highway 51 has 250m of land clearance problem


Dong Nai - The Huong Lo 2 extended road project (section 1 - phase 1) through Bien Hoa city connecting National Highway 51 with a total investment of 783 billion VND is stuck with 250 m of clearance.

The project to upgrade National Highway 14E in Quang Nam is in chaos


Quang Nam is asking to speed up the construction progress of the 1,850 billion VND National Highway 14E renovation and upgrade project. This project involves Thuan An Group, which has encountered many difficulties after the group's leader was arrested.

Clarifying responsibility for issuing wrong red books on prison land


Lam Dong - Provincial inspectors determined that 4.29 hectares of land of Dai Binh Prison had been illegally granted red books by local authorities to 7 households.

Inadequate treatment of officials and workers


National Assembly delegates said that the treatment of officials and employees working at drug rehabilitation facilities is not commensurate with the requirements and tasks of the job.

Nam Dinh has a new Provincial Party Secretary


Nam Dinh - Mr. Dang Khanh Toan was mobilized and appointed by the Politburo to hold the position of Secretary of Nam Dinh Provincial Party Committee.

Go Cong sea dike "fluctuates" before monsoon season


Tien Giang - Some sections of the Go Cong sea dike are degraded, local authorities in Go Cong Dong district have proposed investing in wave-reducing dikes.

Sad news


Mr. Ignatius Do Van Luan, born in 1956, father of comrade Do Thi Yen Phuong, father-in-law of comrade Nguyen Van Quang - reporter of Lao Dong Newspaper working at the Representative Office in the Mekong Delta, passed away at 2:00 p.m. on November 13, 2024, October 13, Giap Thin year. He was 68 years old.

Proposal to discipline former Minister of Transport Nguyen Van The


At the 50th Session, the Central Inspection Committee proposed that competent authorities consider and discipline Mr. Nguyen Van The.

The 783 billion VND road project connecting National Highway 51 has 250m of land clearance problem


Dong Nai - The Huong Lo 2 extended road project (section 1 - phase 1) through Bien Hoa city connecting National Highway 51 with a total investment of 783 billion VND is stuck with 250 m of clearance.

Đã có vốn xây khu tái định cư ở dự án giao thông ngàn tỉ


Quảng Trị - Địa phương đã có quyết định bố trí vốn để làm 1 khu tái định cư thuộc dự án Đường ven biển kết nối hành lang kinh tế Đông Tây, tỉnh Quảng Trị.

The project to upgrade National Highway 14E in Quang Nam is in chaos

Hoàng Bin |

Quang Nam is asking to speed up the construction progress of the 1,850 billion VND National Highway 14E renovation and upgrade project. This project involves Thuan An Group, which has encountered many difficulties after the group's leader was arrested.