Series of former officials on trial for assisting Xuyen Viet Oil

Anh Tú |

HCMC - Covering up violations for Xuyen Viet Oil, former Secretary of Ben Tre Provincial Party Committee, former Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade and 13 other defendants had to appear in court this morning.

 Sang nay 20.11, TAND TPHCM mo phien xet xu so tham cuu Chu tich HDTV Xuyen Viet Oil, cuu Thu truong Bo Cong thuong, cuu Bi thu Tinh uy Ben Tre va 12 bi cao khac vi gay that thoat ngan sach hon 1.463 ti dong.
This morning, November 20, the Ho Chi Minh City People's Court opened the first-instance trial of 15 defendants on the charges of "Violating regulations on the use of state assets, causing loss and waste"; "Giving bribes"; "Receiving bribes" and "Abusing positions and powers to influence others for personal gain" for causing a budget loss of more than VND 1,463 billion.
Trong vu an nay, ba Mai Thi Hong Hanh (giam doc kiem chu tich hoi dong thanh vien Cong ty TNHH Thuong mai van tai va du lich Xuyen Viet Oil) bi truy to ve cac toi vi pham quy dinh ve quan ly, su dung tai san nha nuoc gay that thoat, lang phi va dua hoi lo
In this case, defendant Mai Thi Hong Hanh (former Director and Chairwoman of the Board of Members of Xuyen Viet Oil Transport and Tourism Trading Company Limited) was prosecuted for the crimes of "Violating regulations on management and use of state assets causing loss and waste" and "Giving bribes".
 Bi cao Le Duc Tho (cuu bi thu Tinh uy Ben Tre) bi truy to ve toi nhan hoi lo va loi dung chuc vu, quyen han gay anh huong doi voi nguoi khac de truc loi
Defendant Le Duc Tho (former Secretary of Ben Tre Provincial Party Committee) was prosecuted for "Accepting bribes" and "Taking advantage of position and power to influence others for personal gain".
Ong Do Thang Hai (cuu thu truong Bo Cong Thuong), ong Le Duy Minh (cuu giam doc So Tai chinh TP.HCM), ong Nguyen Loc An (cuu pho vu truong Vu Thi truong trong nuoc Bo Cong Thuong), ong Hoang Anh Tuan (cuu pho vu truong Vu Thi truong trong nuoc), ong Tran Duy Dong (cuu vu truong Vu Thi truong trong nuoc) va ong Dang Cong Khoi (pho cuc truong Cuc quan ly gia Bo Tai chinh) cung bi truy to ve toi nhan hoi lo.
Defendant Do Thang Hai (former Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade) and a number of former leaders of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Finance were prosecuted for the crime of "Receiving bribes".
Nguyen don dan su duoc xac dinh la Bo Tai chinh va Bo Cong Thuong. De phuc vu cho cong tac xet xu, co khoang hon 20 luat su, 95 nguoi co quyen loi va nghia vu lien quan duoc trieu tap den toa.
The civil plaintiffs were identified as the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry and Trade. To serve the trial, more than 20 lawyers and 95 people with related rights and obligations were summoned to court.
 Theo cao trang, bi cao Mai Thi Hong Hanh la nguoi dai dien theo phap luat, Giam doc kiem Chu tich HDTV Cong ty Xuyen Viet Oil. Qua trinh dieu hanh hoat dong kinh doanh xang dau tai cong ty, loi dung chuc vu quyen han duoc giao, vi pham cac quy dinh ve su dung Quy binh on gia va tien thue bao ve moi truong gay that thoat tai san Nha nuoc 1.463 ti dong. Trong do, that thoat tu quy Binh on gia la 219 ti dong, that thoat tu thue bao ve moi truong la 1.244 ti dong.
According to the indictment, defendant Mai Thi Hong Hanh is the legal representative, Director and Chairwoman of the Board of Members of Xuyen Viet Oil Company. During the process of operating the petroleum business at the company, she took advantage of her assigned position and authority to violate regulations on the use of the Price Stabilization Fund and environmental protection tax, causing a loss of VND 1,463 billion in state assets. Of which, the loss from the Price Stabilization Fund was VND 219 billion, and the loss from environmental protection tax was VND 1,244 billion.
 Cao trang xac dinh, bi cao Hanh khong chi dao nhan vien trich lap Quy Binh on gia theo quy dinh ma chi dao cap duoi chuyen tien vao tai khoan ca nhan, dung so tien nay de cho ban be vay muon, chi tieu, dua hoi lo cho mot so ca nhan tai Bo Cong Thuong. Ngoai ra, bi cao Hanh con co y su dung so tien quan ly, thu ho thue vao cac muc dich ca nhan ma khong nop tien chuyen vao ngan sach Nha nuoc.
The indictment determined that defendant Hanh did not direct employees to set aside the Price Stabilization Fund according to regulations, but instead directed subordinates to transfer money into personal accounts, using this money to lend to friends, spend, and bribe a number of individuals at the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Defendant Hanh also intentionally used the money managed and collected for personal purposes without remitting the money to the State budget.
De Cong ty Xuyen Viet Oil duoc Bo Cong thuong cap giay phep kinh doanh xuat khau, nhap khau xang dau vao cac nam 2016 va 2021, bo qua loi vi pham, duoc uu dai mua hang va thuc hien hop dong mua ban xang dau... tu nam 2016 den nam 2022, ba Hanh da dua hoi lo 22 lan voi tong so tien hon 31,5 ty dong cho 8 bi cao la cuu can bo lanh dao tai Bo Cong thuong, Bo tai chinh...
In order for Xuyen Viet Oil Company to be granted a business license to export and import petroleum from the Ministry of Industry and Trade in 2016 and 2021, to ignore violations, to receive preferential purchase and execute petroleum purchase contracts... from 2016 to 2022, Hanh gave bribes 22 times with a total amount of more than 31.5 billion VND to 8 defendants who are former leaders at the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Finance...
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Sáng nay xét xử bà chủ Công ty xăng dầu Xuyên Việt Oil

Anh Tú |

Ngày 20.11, TAND TPHCM mở phiên xét xử sơ thẩm 15 bị cáo trong vụ án xảy ra tại Công ty TNHH Thương mại Vận tải và Du lịch Xuyên Việt Oil.

Bà chủ Xuyên Việt Oil và những chiếc Patek Philippe đem biếu

Việt Dũng |

Ngoài những khoản tiền tỉ chi ra để hối lộ các cựu quan chức, Mai Thị Hồng Hạnh - bà chủ Xuyên Việt Oil còn biếu những chiếc đồng hồ hiệu Patek Philippe.