Soldiers sweat on the flooded fields


Hundreds of officers and soldiers tirelessly helping people in the flooded area of ​​Muong Pon (Dien Bien district, Dien Bien province) are beautiful images in the past few days.

Tron 4 thang qua, ke tu sau khi xay ra tran lu quet lich su, hang tram can bo, chien si cong an, quan doi cung chinh quyen dia phuong van miet mai giup nhan dan vung lu xa Muong Pon dung lai nha cua, cai tao ruong dong.
For the past 4 months, since the historic flash flood, hundreds of police officers, soldiers, and local authorities have been working hard to help people in the flooded area of ​​Muong Pon commune rebuild their houses and improve their fields.
Cac luc luong tham gia don dep dong ruong, thu gom rac thai, dat da, nao vet, khoi thong he thong kenh muong noi dong.
Forces participating in cleaning up the fields, collecting garbage, rocks, dredging and clearing the intra-field canal system. Photo: Quang Dat
Cac chien si thuoc Trung doan 82 (Su doan 355, Quan khu 2), thu don, cui, rac thai giup nguoi dan som on dinh cuoc song va khoi phuc san xuat.
Soldiers of Regiment 82 (Division 355, Military Region 2) collect firewood and garbage to help people stabilize their lives and restore production.
Luc luong cong an, quan doi, dan quan tu ve tham gia cai tao khu vuc san xuat vung thien tai.
Police, military and militia forces participate in renovating production areas in natural disaster areas.
Nhung cay go, cui to duoc cua nho de van chuyen ra ngoai dong ruong. Day la khu vuc san xuat tap trung lon nhat, dong thoi cung chiu anh huong nang ne nhat boi tran lu quet.
Large trees and firewood are cut into small pieces and transported to the fields. This is the largest concentrated production area, and also the most heavily affected by the flash flood.
Muc tieu dat ra la chinh trang dong ruong, khoi thong nao vet kenh muong, xay dung ke hoach trien khai thuc hien phuong an san xuat, ho tro cac phai tam de nguoi dan kip thoi gieo cay vu dong xuan 2024-2025.
The goal is to improve fields, dredge canals, develop a plan to implement production plans, and support temporary dykes so that people can sow the winter-spring crop in time for 2024-2025.
La mot trong nhung ho duoc can bo, chien si giup khoi phuc san xuat hon 400m2 ruong, ba Quang Thi Phich – ban Linh, xa Muong Pon - cho biet: “Truoc day, gia dinh trong tren 8.000m2 lua va thu hoach khoang 80 bao thoc moi vu. Do anh huong cua lu lut, vu vua roi chi duoc von ven 4 bao”.
The family of Mrs. Quang Thi Phich - Linh village, Muong Pon commune, has just been helped by officers and soldiers to restore production on more than 400 m2 of rice fields - said: "Previously, the family planted over 8,000 m2 of rice and harvested about 80 bags of rice per crop. Due to the impact of the flood, the last crop only yielded 4 bags."
Thieu ta Le Hong Viet - Pho Chu nhiem chinh tri Trung doan 82 (Su doan 355, Quan khu 2) - cho biet, don vi da huy dong 200 can bo, chien si den giup nguoi dan. Trong do, tap trung lam nhung phan viec kho, can nhieu suc nguoi nhu nao vet kenh muong, khoi thong dong chay, cai tao lai cac khu vuc bi lu quet va tra lai dat canh tac cho ba con.
Major Le Hong Viet - Deputy Chief of Political Affairs of Regiment 82 (Division 355, Military Region 2) - said that the unit has mobilized 200 officers and soldiers to help the people. They will focus on difficult tasks that require a lot of manpower such as dredging canals, clearing water flows, renovating areas affected by flash floods and returning farmland to the people.
“Ngoai ra, don vi cung tap trung san gat nhung khu vuc sat lo o cac diem ban. Dong thoi, chung toi phoi hop chat che voi chinh quyen dia phuong, ba con de xay dung lai nhung ngoi nha bi hu hai, voi quyet tam hoan thanh xuat sac nhiem vu” - Thieu ta Le Hong Viet noi.
“In addition, the unit also focused on leveling landslide areas in the villages. At the same time, it closely coordinated with local authorities and people to rebuild damaged houses, with the determination to complete the task excellently,” said Major Le Hong Viet.
Theo ong Nguyen Tien Cuong - Pho Chu tich UBND huyen Dien Bien, huyen da khoi phuc san xuat duoc 55/123 ha dien tich bi thiet hai. “Hien nay, co ban cac vi tri, khu diem tren dia ban xa Muong Pon da hoan thanh cong tac giai phong mat bang va mot so khu diem da di vao xay dung cho nhan dan” -  ong Cuong noi.
According to Mr. Nguyen Tien Cuong - Vice Chairman of Dien Bien District People's Committee, up to now, the district has made efforts to restore production on 55/123 hectares of damaged agricultural land in Muong Pon. Along with that, the resettlement sites have basically completed site clearance, some locations have been and are urgently building houses for people.
Du kien, xa Muong Pon se khoi phuc hon 80 ha de kip cay vu dong xuan nay.
It is expected that Muong Pon commune will restore more than 80 hectares in time for this winter-spring crop.
Huyen Dien Bien da phoi hop voi Cong an tinh lam xong va ban giao 10 nha cho nhan dan, dang tiep tuc trien khai 10 nha tiep theo. Phoi hop voi Bo chi huy quan su tinh trien khai ho tro 25 nha cho nhan dan.
Dien Bien District has coordinated with the Provincial Police to complete and hand over 10 houses to the people, and is continuing to deploy the next 10 houses. Coordinated with the Provincial Military Command to deploy support for 25 houses for the people.
Ngoai ra, nham som on dinh doi song cua nhan dan, phat trien kinh te xa hoi, dam bao an ninh trong khu vuc thien tai, huyen gap rut trien khai xay dung 10 cong trinh co so ha tang thiet yeu. Ban hanh lenh xay dung cong trinh khan cap doi voi 7 cong trinh.
In addition, in order to soon stabilize people's lives, develop socio-economy, and ensure security in disaster areas, Dien Bien district has urgently deployed the construction of 10 essential infrastructure projects. Issued emergency construction orders for 7 projects.

Dien Bien focuses on rebuilding Muong Pon after flash floods


Nearly four months after the historic flash flood in Muong Pon (Dien Bien), authorities at all levels are still making constant efforts to rebuild this land.

More than 300 billion VND to support people in flooded areas of Yen Bai


Yen Bai - According to reports, the total cost to overcome the damage caused by storm No. 3 in the province is over 312.7 billion VND.

Inside temporary houses in the flood-prone area of ​​Muong Pon


Dien Bien - While waiting for resettlement after the flash flood nearly 2 months ago, many people in the flood-prone area of ​​Muong Pon are having to build temporary houses.

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Soldiers sweat on the flooded fields


Hundreds of officers and soldiers tirelessly helping people in the flooded area of ​​Muong Pon (Dien Bien district, Dien Bien province) are beautiful images in the past few days.

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Forecast of the strongest cold air impact from the beginning of winter


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Dien Bien focuses on rebuilding Muong Pon after flash floods


Nearly four months after the historic flash flood in Muong Pon (Dien Bien), authorities at all levels are still making constant efforts to rebuild this land.

More than 300 billion VND to support people in flooded areas of Yen Bai

Trần Bùi |

Yen Bai - According to reports, the total cost to overcome the damage caused by storm No. 3 in the province is over 312.7 billion VND.

Inside temporary houses in the flood-prone area of ​​Muong Pon


Dien Bien - While waiting for resettlement after the flash flood nearly 2 months ago, many people in the flood-prone area of ​​Muong Pon are having to build temporary houses.