Opening of book exhibition to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of the Capital

Thùy Trang |

The book exhibition introduces the great historical significance and value of the Capital Liberation Day in the revolutionary cause of fighting for national independence.

On the morning of October 9, the book exhibition celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of the Capital opened at the National Library of Vietnam.

This is a practical activity to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Capital (October 10, 1954 - October 10, 2024) organized by the Ministry of Information and Communications in coordination with the Central Propaganda Department, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Hanoi People's Committee and Vietnam Publishing Association.

Speaking at the opening of the exhibition, Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Thanh Lam said: "At the exhibition, the National Library of Vietnam, together with publishers, book businesses and the organizing committee, have made great efforts to introduce to the public and readers of the Capital more than 500 rare documents and 2,850 valuable book titles and book series by domestic and foreign authors, including 205 book titles about the thousand-year-old capital, about the historical milestone of the Liberation of the Capital.

Through models, books, and photos displayed and arranged elaborately, shown on modern digital platforms, the exhibition will be an important highlight, an attractive reading culture space contributing to creating deep and good impressions on the great holiday of the capital Hanoi."

Thu truong Bo Thong tin va Truyen thong Nguyen Thanh Lam phat bieu tai le khai mac trien lam sach chao mung Ky niem 70 nam Ngay Giai phong Thu do. Anh: Ban to chuc
Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Thanh Lam speaks at the opening ceremony of the book exhibition celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Capital. Photo: Organizing Committee

The book exhibition contributes to educating the tradition of patriotism, the spirit of "Determination to die for the Fatherland", the bravery and resilience of the army and people of the whole country in general, and of the capital Hanoi in particular, in the resistance war for national independence and reunification.

The indoor and outdoor exhibition spaces are arranged according to a number of key themes including: Hanoi - A thousand years of culture and heroes; Hanoi - City for peace; Hanoi - The heart of the whole country, the national political and administrative center; Displaying a number of typical books of each period that have been adapted into cinematographic works.

The highlight of the exhibition will be the outdoor area with two models with the theme "Viet Bac - Capital of Resistance" by Thai Nguyen University Publishing House and "Hanoi - Capital for Peace" by Hanoi Publishing House along with the display booths of publishers and distribution units.

Nhieu ban tre den doc sach, tham gia cac hoat dong o trien lam sach. Anh: Ban to chuc
Many young people came to read books and participate in activities at the book exhibition. Photo: Organizing Committee

In the exhibition space, the Department of Publishing, Printing and Distribution, the Department of Foreign Information, the Ministry of Information and Communications will coordinate with the National Library of Vietnam and participating units to display and introduce to readers and the public of the capital valuable books, photos and books about the country and people of Vietnam; literary and artistic works, research works of domestic and foreign scholars about a thousand-year-old capital Hanoi, about the historical milestone of the Liberation of the Capital 70 years ago and the process of building and developing the capital Hanoi to become increasingly rich, civilized, modern, worthy of being the national political - administrative center, a major center of culture, science, education, economy and international transactions...

During the exhibition, publishers and publishing units will organize many events such as seminars, book introductions; exchanges with authors and works; typical art programs... to provide readers and visitors with many interesting experiences.

The book exhibition takes place from October 9 to October 13 at the National Library of Vietnam, 44 Trang Thi, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi.

Thùy Trang

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Hạ nguyễn |

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Thạch Lựu |

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"New clothes" for each alley, celebrating the Liberation Day of the Capital

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Thạch Lựu |

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Two projects to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of the Capital


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