Circular 29 takes effect, schools do not organize extra classes with fees, that is a good thing, initially rectify extra classes and extra learning activities.
Teachers who open extra classes at home also have to close their doors, that is also a good thing, there are no more extra classes, extra learning is rampant, there are many cases where teachers force students to take extra classes, causing public outrage.
Recent changes related to tutoring activities show that Circular 29 has had a positive impact in eliminating "optional" tutoring and extra learning. If there is a need for extra classes and tutoring, it should also be done with regulations and order, not being messy, spreading out uncontrolled.
The simplest thing that can be said is that teachers who open extra classes must fulfill their tax obligations, while before, everyone was strong and did not pay taxes. This is unfair to those who have income and pay taxes in other professions and jobs.
Not only do hundreds of people in Vinh city register to do business to teach extra classes, but in other localities across the country, the same situation is common.
This reality shows that for many years, Vietnamese education has formed a movement of teaching and learning outside of school. This "modem" of education has existed for too long, eating deep into life, becoming a " habit" in the awareness and thinking of the community. After studying, you have to take extra classes, if you want to study well, you have to take extra classes.
Therefore, when there are regulations to manage extra teaching activities, teachers find ways to legalize extra teaching, parents are also worried about finding a place for their children to study extra.
Recently, Deputy Minister of Education and Training Pham Ngoc Thuong affirmed that the Ministry's viewpoint is to move towards schools without extra classes and tutoring.
This is a very correct viewpoint, we must gradually limit it so that we no longer have to teach or learn extra. It is not a mandatory limitation, but parents themselves do not have the need for their children to take extra classes, without demand, there will be no more supply.
To do so, we must design a curriculum that does not overload knowledge, and students are not under pressure to achieve various results. More importantly, the school is responsible for teaching students with guaranteed quality, not all students have to attend extra classes. If the current situation of extra learning continues, it will prove that teaching in schools is not of good quality.
Teachers apply for a business license to teach extra classes as it is now, which may be a temporary period, and in the future, there will be no more extra classes or extra learning. That is what the education sector must do to get a degree.