3 ways to make dishes to help lose weight with peanuts

THÙY DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots) |

Peanuts are a popular food with many nutrients. Below are 3 ways to make weight loss dishes with peanuts.

Peanuts are a type of nut that is very popularly grown in all regions of our country. This type of nut contains a very rich and abundant amount of nutrients. Peanuts contain protein, fiber, fat, minerals (Magnesium, Folate, Vitamin E, Copper, Arginine), carbohydrates, sugar. Peanuts are also a food with a fairly high calorie content, contain a lot of oil, so they are also used to press oil. Peanut oil is very popular because it is of plant origin and has many health benefits.

Although peanuts contain a lot of calories, they are low in sugar. The fat in peanuts is healthy fat, which helps you lose weight and promotes digestion. Peanuts have a high calorie content, which helps prolong the feeling of fullness, reduces cravings and helps you lose weight very effectively. Therefore, eating peanuts not only helps you not gain weight but can also improve the risk of being overweight and obese.

3 ways to make weight loss dishes with peanuts

Peanut butter smoothie


- 125ml milk (almond milk, soy milk or cow's milk)

- 10 grams of unsweetened peanut butter

- 30ml Greek yogurt

- 1 banana

- 40 grams cup spinach


- Blend all ingredients until smooth.

- Chill and enjoy.

Chicken stir-fried with peanuts


- 500 grams boneless, skinless chicken breast, thinly sliced

- 15ml unsweetened peanut oil

- 65 grams of chopped broccoli

- 30 grams of chopped carrots

- 30 grams of chopped red bell pepper

- 30 grams chopped peanuts

- 30ml soy sauce

- 15ml honey

- 8 grams minced garlic

- 3 grams red chili powder


- Heat peanut oil in large skillet over medium heat.

- Add chicken and cook until golden brown.

- Add broccoli, carrots and red bell pepper. Cook for 2 - 3 minutes.

- Add soy sauce, honey, garlic and red chili and stir well.

- Add peanuts and cook for another minute.

Peanut butter balls


- 125 grams rolled oats

- 65ml unsweetened peanut butter

- 30ml honey

- 35 grams chocolate chips

- 30 grams chopped peanuts


- Mix all ingredients in bowl.

- Shape into balls and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

THÙY DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots)

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