Greek yogurt with flaxseed
Greek yogurt is rich in protein and probiotics, supports intestinal health and slows digestion, preventing spikes in blood sugar. According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, Greek yogurt can also reduce the risk of diabetes thanks to the probiotic effect of regulating glucose metabolism. Flaxseeds provide fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, which help improve insulin sensitivity.
Time to eat: 30-60 minutes before bed
Quota: 150g plain Greek yogurt and 1 teaspoon ground flaxseed
Fresh cheese with nuts
Whole cheese is a slow-digesting protein that helps stabilize blood sugar levels thanks to its low glycemic index. Whole cheese contains potassium, magnesium, vitamin D, this is one of the healthiest snacks for diabetics. Combining cottage cheese with nuts helps add healthy fats and fiber, preventing blood sugar fluctuations.
Mealtime: 45-60 minutes before bed
Quota: 50g cottage cheese + 5 almonds or 3 walnuts
Boiled eggs with hummus
A study published in the journal Food & Function showed that eating eggs regularly helps diabetics improve fasting blood sugar levels. Eggs provide high-quality protein combined with hummus sauce (made by pureeing beans, sesame butter, olive oil, lemon juice and garlic) to provide fiber and healthy fats to maintain stable sugar levels overnight.
Mealtime: 30-45 minutes before bed
Quantization: 1 boiled egg + 1 tablespoon hummus
Roasted chickpeas with yogurt
Chickpeas are high in protein and fiber, which helps regulate glucose release. A study published in the journal Nutrients said that chickpeas can help control blood sugar levels through the digestion of low starch, high fiber, protein as well as hormonal effects. Yogurt supplements casein protein for slow digestion and helps control glucose overnight.
Mealtime: 45-60 minutes before bed
Qu Quota: 40g roasted chickpeas + 2 tablespoons yogurt