Extended Child’s Pose - Utthita Balasana)

Stretch the shoulder muscle in the direction extending forward. Helps reduce stress in the ladder muscles, Delta muscles and upper back muscles. Support to expand the chest area and reduce the pressure in the shoulder due to long sitting.
How to do it:
Kneeling on the carpet, feet touching each other, knees widened with hips.
Reaching your hand forward as possible, putting the forehead touching the floor.
Press the chest down to stretch your shoulders.
Hold the posture 30-60 seconds, take a deep breath.
Dog face -face posture (downward -facing Dog - Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Helps to expand the shoulder muscles, especially the muscles and muscles under the shoulders. Reduce spasticity and increase shoulder flexibility. Support to adjust the back posture, help reduce pressure on the neck and shoulders.
How to do it:
Starting from the anti -hand and pillow posture (Tabletop).
Tip, push the hips up to form a reverse V.
Hold your hands straight, expand your shoulders, squeeze your shoulder towards your thighs.
Hold the posture for 30-60 seconds.
Eagle Pose (Eagle Pose - Garudasana)

Enhance flexibility and deeply stretching shoulder muscle groups, especially muscles on spikes and Delta muscles. Helps reduce stress and stiffness due to working a lot with computers. Increase strength and control shoulder muscles by maintaining posture.
How to do it:
Stand up straight, put your right hand up, your left hand is around and intertwined.
Raise your elbows on the shoulder across the shoulder, pulling away from the face to relax the shoulder muscles.
Hold the position for 20-30 seconds and then switch sides.
Thread the needle pose (thread the needle pose)

Creating natural rotation helps relax the shoulder muscles, intercostal muscles and chest muscles. Release tensions in the neck and shoulder blades. Improve the range of shoulder movement, especially useful for people with neck and neck pain.
How to do it:
Start in anti -hand and pillow posture.
Slide the right hand to the left, the palms upwards, the right shoulder touches the floor.
Hold the posture for 30 seconds and then switch sides.
Bridge Pose (Bridge Pose - Setu Bandhasana)

Expand the chest and stretch the shoulder muscles when the hands knit under the back. Help relax and reduce shoulder muscle tension after a working day. Stimulating blood circulation, helping to restore and nourish the shoulder muscles.
How to do it:
Lie on your back, bend your knees, and put your feet on the floor.
Put your hands behind your back, knit your hands and squeeze your shoulders on the floor.
Raise your hips, expand your chest, feel the shoulder stretching.
Hold the posture for 30 seconds and then lower.
Note: Perform gentle movements, combine breath to achieve the best effect. If you have a shoulder injury, consult experts before training.