Red alert for inter-hospital use, saving the life of a patient with a ruptured heart due to an accident


HUE - Doctors at Hue Central Hospital promptly saved the life of a patient with a ruptured heart due to a traffic accident.

On the morning of October 9, Hue Central Hospital, branch 2, announced that it had just performed emergency surgery to save the life of a patient with a critical heart rupture, thanks to activating the "inter-hospital red alert" procedure.

Previously, patient L.V.P (26 years old, from Hai Lang, Quang Tri) was admitted to the Emergency Department - Hue Central Hospital, branch 2 with difficulty breathing, cyanosis, chest bruising and severe multiple injuries after a traffic accident.

The on-duty team predicted that the patient's prognosis was very serious and critical, so they activated the "red alert" procedure for the entire hospital. Specialists promptly examined and concluded that the patient had a large amount of pericardial effusion, suspected to be due to a ruptured heart/multiple trauma, in critical condition, with an indication for emergency surgery.

Under the direct direction of Prof. Dr. Pham Nhu Hiep - Director of Hue Central Hospital, a cardiovascular surgery team with medicine and equipment from Hue Central Hospital immediately went to Hue Central Hospital, branch 2 to coordinate in performing emergency surgery for the patient.

The patient was resuscitated and transferred straight to the operating room to prepare for surgery. About 20 minutes after activating the procedure, the team was present in the operating room, the patient and equipment were ready.

The surgical team cut the sternum to expose the entire pericardium. The bleeding was very strong, with about 2.5 liters of blood loss. Upon examination, a large hole about 2 cm in size was found. The team clamped the hole and quickly sutured it, checking to stop the bleeding.

During the surgery, the anesthesia team actively resuscitated the patient and transfused a total of 1,400ml of packed red blood cells and 600ml of plasma.

The surgery was completed quickly and successfully with multidisciplinary coordination.

The patient was then transferred to the post-operative unit for monitoring and intensive care. The patient is currently stable, fully conscious, has had his chest drain removed, and can be discharged in the next few days.

According to Master, Doctor Nguyen Xuan Hung - Deputy Head of the Department of Cardiovascular Thoracic Surgery at Hue Central Hospital, heart rupture occurs in about 0.5 - 2% of all cases of severe chest trauma due to traffic accidents. Heart rupture has an extremely high mortality rate, up to 75 - 90%, because this condition often causes rapid blood loss or sudden heart failure.

In many cases, the victim dies at the scene before reaching the hospital. Only about 10-15% of victims survive if they receive immediate emergency care and surgery to repair the heart damage. To successfully treat a critical case of a ruptured heart, the most important factors are time and proper treatment.


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