Many people mistakenly believe that high doses of vitamin D will quickly help strengthen the bones and immune system.However, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), prolonged overdose of vitamin D can cause toxicity, leading to hypercalcemia, which increases the risk of kidney stones and cardiovascular damage.
Dr. Michael F.Holick, a leading expert on vitamin D at Boston University, emphasized: "Vitamin D supplementation needs to be individualized and dosed based on actual needs, not everyone needs high doses." Many people mistakenly believe that vitamin D can only be supplemented through functional foods.
However, clinical research shows that vitamin D can be provided naturally through sunlight and foods rich in vitamin D.
According to the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), sunlight provides up to 80-90% of the body's vitamin D needs.“Exposure to sunlight for 10-15 minutes a day is enough to provide the necessary amount of vitamin D,” said Dr. Susan Lanham-New at the University of Surrey, UK.
According to the recommendation of the UK National Health System (NHS), before supplementing vitamin D, a blood test should be conducted to determine the deficiency, thereby helping to supplement the correct dose.
Supplement vitamin D properly
Vitamin D is considered one of the most important nutrients for bone health, the immune system and most other physiological functions of the body.