Endometriosis causes infertility in many women


HCMC - Abdominal pain during menstruation seems harmless but warns of endometriosis causing infertility in women.

Ms. Phan Thi Thu Minh (33 years old, HCMC) is working in HCMC. During a health check-up organized by her agency, she discovered that she had endometriosis.

From then on, she understood why every time her menstrual cycle came, she often had severe abdominal pain, and sometimes had to take painkillers to feel more comfortable.

“The doctor advised me to get married and have children soon, because with my condition, my egg reserve will be more or less affected by endometriosis,” Ms. Minh shared.

Similarly, Ms. Thanh Tam (29 years old, HCMC) was also diagnosed with endometriosis. During her menstrual cycle but the pain was too much to bear, her family took her to the hospital, the doctor confirmed that she had endometriosis. Currently, she is still monitoring the disease.

Dr. Hoang Thi Thanh Thao - Deputy Head of Examination Department B, Hung Vuong Hospital - said that endometriosis is a common disease, ranking second among gynecological diseases with a rate of 1/10 women aged 30-40.

According to statistics, this disease affects about 190 million women and girls of reproductive age globally.

Although it is a benign disease, endometriosis greatly affects the quality of life of women of reproductive age as well as the ability to become mothers.

About 30-35% of infertile or subfertile women have endometriosis lesions.

Endometriosis is often characterized by pain, which is a typical symptom. In adolescents, the disease is often detected by hospitalization for abdominal pain, while in women of reproductive age, about 50% visit the infertility department. More than 50% of patients with mild disease can conceive naturally.

Clinically, most cases are not detected, except for cases with fibroids or cysts due to endometriosis, in which case color ultrasound and probe are required. More serious cases are deep endometriosis, firmly attached to the lower abdomen, causing pressure on the urinary system and affecting other diseases in the pelvic area.

Associate Professor, Dr. Hoang Thi Diem Tuyet - Director of Hung Vuong Hospital - said that endometriosis is a benign disease, with a very small percentage of the disease being able to turn into cancer, which is very rare. When endometriosis attaches to other organs in the body, it can cause damage and reduce the quality of life.

If endometriosis is located in the ovaries, it can form ovarian cysts, damage secondary follicles, and over time cause a decrease in ovarian reserve, making natural conception or in vitro fertilization difficult. Some cases of tubal adhesions can lead to infertility due to blocked fallopian tubes.

This is one of the major challenges for infertility specialists. The problem of women with endometriosis needs to be assessed based on the location and severity of the disease.

For example, level 1 may be localized to the ovaries, but if more severe, it can cause pain during intercourse, thereby affecting family happiness. If left untreated, the disease can negatively impact a woman's quality of life and family.


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