According to Dr Bharesh Dedhia, Consultant - Critical Care, PD Hinduja and MRC Hospital, Khar, Mumbai (India), right-sided headaches, although they can be very severe and affect daily life, are actually no different from left-sided headaches. The causes of headaches on one side of the head often have similarities, including problems such as migraine, stress, sinusitis or neck problems. However, to determine the exact cause and treat it effectively, it is necessary to thoroughly understand the influencing factors.
Some of the main causes of one-sided headaches
Migraine: Throbbing pain, often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light. Triggers such as stress, foods, and hormonal changes can make it worse.
Cluster headaches: Severe pain that occurs in cycles and may be accompanied by symptoms such as red, watery eyes. Stress, lack of sleep and an unhealthy lifestyle can be the cause.
Sinus or tooth infection: Sinusitis or a tooth infection (such as an abscess) can cause one-sided headaches, especially when bending over or lying down.
Serious causes: Rarely, it can be a sign of a brain infection, blood clot, or tumor. If the pain persists, increases, or is accompanied by neurological symptoms, see a doctor immediately.
When to seek medical help
Severe pain: If the headache becomes too severe or cannot be controlled with regular pain relievers.
Persistent pain: If the pain does not subside after a long period of time, or tends to increase in intensity.
Accompanied by other symptoms: If the headache is accompanied by symptoms such as vision changes, loss of sensation, weakness, or severe nausea/vomiting.
Pain unlike previous headaches: If you have a different feeling or have never had this type of headache before.
If your headache has one of the above signs, consult your doctor for timely diagnosis and treatment, says Dr. Bharesh Dedhia.
How to Control and Prevent Right Side Headaches
Dr. Bharesh Dedhia shares that to control and prevent right-sided headaches, you can apply the following measures:
Maintain a regular sleep schedule: Get enough sleep and keep regular bedtimes to avoid increasing your risk of headaches.
Stay hydrated: Dehydration is a common cause of headaches, so drink enough water every day.
Stress management: Practice stress-reduction techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing to help relieve pressure.
Identify and avoid triggers: Make a note of factors such as foods, lifestyle habits or environments that may trigger headaches to avoid recurrence.
Seek medical help: If your headaches are persistent or severe, consult your doctor for effective treatment options. Adopting these habits can help reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches and help you maintain better health.