Early recognition of symptoms of fatty liver disease


Fatty liver disease is when too much fat builds up in the liver, causing inflammation and liver damage. So what are the early signs of fatty liver?

Dau hieu cua benh gan nhiem mo. Anh: Theo EatingWell
Signs of fatty liver disease. Photo: According to EatingWell

According to nutritionist Trista Best of Balance One Supplements, the main cause of fatty liver disease is an imbalance between the amount of fat the liver produces and absorbs and its ability to break down that fat.

Below are early signs of fatty liver disease.

1. Feeling too tired

Feeling tired or sluggish is a common symptom of fatty liver disease. Because the liver is not functioning optimally, it affects overall energy levels. When the liver is overloaded with excess fat, it has difficulty performing its vital functions, which can lead to exhaustion.

2. Feeling pain or discomfort in the upper right abdomen

Pain or discomfort in the upper right side of your abdomen is a sign of fatty liver disease. This is where your liver is located, and if your liver becomes inflamed or swollen due to fat buildup, you may feel a dull ache.

3. Uncontrolled weight gain

Being overweight can be a contributing factor to fatty liver disease, especially if you have metabolic syndrome. That's because insulin resistance can increase the amount of fat stored in the liver, damaging liver cells and the liver's ability to function properly.

4. Dark urine

Dark urine occurs when the liver cannot filter waste effectively, causing an increase in a yellow pigment called bilirubin. This compound is formed from the breakdown of red blood cells, processed by the liver and excreted in bile, making urine dark.

5. Yellow skin or eyes

When the liver cannot process bilirubin, it can lead to jaundice. Although less common in the early stages of fatty liver disease, as the liver becomes damaged, it can lead to yellowing of the skin or eyes.


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