Spicy food
Spicy foods can aggravate canker sores by causing irritation and inflammation, especially if you have open sores. It's best to stay away from red peppers, hot sauces, and highly seasoned foods.
Citrus foods
Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruits contain citric acid. These fruits can severely irritate the sores and blisters in your mouth.
Carbonated drinks
Carbonated drinks are not for people with canker sores. Carbonated drinks contain acids that can irritate the soft tissues in the mouth and lead to swelling and sores. The high sugar content in these drinks can promote the growth of bacteria and lead to infection.
Coffee contains caffeine
Coffee is high in salicylates, which can irritate your gums and tongue. If you find yourself drinking coffee when you have a canker sore, you may want to reconsider your choice and try limiting your coffee intake.
Alcohol dries out your mouth and can also damage the protective lining in your mouth. This can slow down the healing process of mouth ulcers, causing pain and inflammation. Therefore, avoiding alcohol is the best option for healing mouth ulcers faster.
Food is too hot and too cold
Foods that are too hot or too cold are not suitable for mouth ulcers because they are very sensitive. It is best to use foods at a mild, moderate temperature to avoid affecting the area with mouth ulcers.