How to control blood sugar

Dinner with low cholesterol diet, prevent high blood sugar


Meals that help lower cholesterol and blood sugar often include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Dinner is a great time to add these fats.

How to eat fish to help control blood sugar


Eating certain types of fish can help diabetics control their blood sugar. However, fish must be added to the diet properly to be effective.

Tips for eating carbs for breakfast to prevent blood sugar spikes


When eating breakfast, you need to pay attention to the amount and source of carbs you add to your body, helping to prevent blood sugar from spiking.

3 types of leaves that are easy to drink and help lower blood sugar effectively


There are many natural herbs that can help lower blood sugar and support the health of people with diabetes.

Why Barley Prevents Blood Sugar Spikes


Soluble fiber in barley helps the body absorb less glucose, slows down digestion, and prevents blood sugar spikes.

A bitter yet delicious snack that helps control blood sugar


Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants and fiber, which help improve insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control.

How to prepare fruit to control blood sugar


Pears are said to be effective in supporting blood sugar control. Diabetics can apply some processing methods to include them in their diet.

Simple Diet Tips to Prevent Blood Sugar Spikes


Simple diet tips to prevent blood sugar spikes include cutting back on excess carbohydrates and increasing healthy fats and protein.

Duck eggs cause blood sugar to rise rapidly


Salted duck eggs are not suitable for people with high blood sugar.

Walking for 5 minutes after sitting for a long time helps prevent high blood sugar


Taking a leisurely walk around your office or home every half hour can help improve your blood pressure and blood sugar.

Why Berries Help Prevent Blood Sugar Spikes


Adding berries to your diet helps hydrate and prevent high blood sugar.

How to control blood sugar spikes in winter


Cold weather in winter can cause increased hormone secretion, increasing blood sugar, especially for people with diabetes.

3 Latin Cooking Tips to Prevent Blood Sugar Spikes


Here are three tips for preparing heart-healthy, high-glycemic-friendly meals.

Eating too much rice noodles can increase blood sugar


Rice noodles can negatively affect blood sugar levels if you eat too much or combine them with the wrong foods.

How to handle after eating a lot to prevent blood sugar from spiking


Eating too much can affect blood sugar levels. Therefore, we need to know how to prevent blood sugar spikes.