Mr. Nguyen Sinh Sac, Deputy Doctor of Philosophy

Efforts to upgrade Nguyen Sinh Sac Relic to a Special National Relic


Dong Thap strives to complete upgrading the National Monument of the Tomb of Vice-Chancellor Nguyen Sinh Sac to a Special National Monument in 2025.

Investing in Nguyen Sinh Sac relic site to become a meaningful destination


Dong Thap - The province is making efforts to invest in Nguyen Sinh Sac relic site to become a meaningful destination.

3 noble qualities of Nguyen Sinh Sac for the country and people


Dong Thap - The scientific conference on Nguyen Sinh Sac summarized three noble qualities in his life of serving the country and the people.

Nguyen Sinh Sac - a lifelong example of dedication to the country and the people


Dong Thap - "Phuc Bang Nguyen Sinh Sac, a lifelong example of dedication to the country and the people" is the theme of the scientific conference commemorating the 95th anniversary of his death (1862-1929).

Solemn Memorial Ceremony of Vice-Chancellor Nguyen Sinh Sac in Dong Thap


Dong Thap - On November 27 (October 27 of the lunar calendar), the 95th death anniversary of Vice-Chancellor Nguyen Sinh Sac was solemnly held.

Binh Duong commemorates Vice-Chancellor Nguyen Sinh Sac


From 1923 to 1926, Mr. Pho Bang Nguyen Sinh Sac in Binh Duong practiced medicine, treated people and spread patriotism.