Quốc hội

The 8th extraordinary National Assembly session will consider personnel work


The 8th extraordinary session of the 15th National Assembly taking place on August 26 will consider the content of personnel work under its authority.

Many recently implemented laws have had to be amended

Lan Nhi |

National Assembly deputies and voters are very curious about the fact that many laws that have just been implemented have to be amended, and even laws that have not yet been implemented must be amended.

The Minister of Public Security proposed solutions to handle cybercrime


The Minister of Public Security said that it is necessary to be vigilant when receiving strange calls; Check and update security features on social network accounts.

Submit to the Government to reduce electricity prices by 5 steps


Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Hong Dien said that in the draft submitted to the Government, the electricity price structure was proposed to be reduced from 6 levels to 5 levels.

Domestic gasoline prices closely follow world prices

Lan Nhi |

General Secretary of the National Assembly - Chairman of the National Assembly Office Bui Van Cuong said that domestic gasoline prices have basically followed world prices.

Questioning Government members about two groups of fields


Questions from National Assembly delegates about issues that fall under the responsibility of any individual will be answered directly by the chairman.

Adjusting standards jerkily causes business fees to increase


The Chairman of the National Assembly's Economic Committee said that the process of adjusting standards and regulations is jerky, causing businesses ' costs to increase.

Assign the person in charge of the Thai Nguyen National Assembly Delegation


The National Assembly Standing Committee assigned Ms. Doan Thi Hao - Deputy Head of the National Assembly Delegation specializing in Thai Nguyen province to be in charge of the Thai Nguyen National Assembly Delegation.

Digital storage is a mandatory journey for the digital nation


The Law on Archives (amended) has just been passed by the 15th National Assembly at Session 7 with many new points related to digital archives. Experts affirm that digital storage is a mandatory journey for the digital nation , and at the same time provide perspectives and solutions on expertise and technology to implement this content.

A bridge of trust between the National Assembly, voters and the People

Vương Đông thực hiện |

Member of the Party Central Committee, General Secretary of the National Assembly, Head of the National Assembly Office Bui Van Cuong stated that Lao Dong Newspaper has been maturing in expertise, professionalism and quality of work, truly becoming a "bridge". "connecting" trust between the National Assembly, voters and the People.

Announcement of 2 Resolutions of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly on Personnel Work

Lan Nhi |

The General Secretary of the National Assembly has recently issued Document No. 4112/TTKQH-TT announcing 2 Resolutions of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly of the 15th term regarding the work of civil servants.

The National Assembly has undergone numerous reforms and innovations in the field of legislation

Lan Nhi |

Since the beginning of the 15th Legislature's term to date, the National Assembly has undergone numerous reforms, innovations, and improvements in the quality of its activities in various fields legislation.

Upcoming questioning of the Ministers within 1.5 days

Lan Nhi |

The Standing Committee of the National Assembly will dedicate 1.5 days to conducting the activities of questioning and answering questions regarding the implementation of the resolutions on specialized supervision and questioning.

Urgently clarify, receive, and revise 11 draft laws

Thu Giang |

The Council for Ethnic Minority Affairs of the National Assembly, the Standing Committees are urgently studying, clarifying, receiving and revising 11 draft law projects to be submitted for approval at the 8th Session.

Preparing in advance the agenda of the 8th session of the National Assembly


The primary task in August 2024 is to prepare early the content of the 8th session and other extraordinary sessions (if any) of the National Assembly.