Protests against Middle East war spread across Europe

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Thousands of people took to the streets in European countries to protest against war in the Middle East as the war in the Gaza Strip approaches its first anniversary.

Protests involving thousands of people took place in major cities across Europe on October 6. Most of the protesters expressed support for the Palestinians and opposed Israel's military campaigns in the Middle East.

According to AP, the wave of protests will continue for the next few days and will peak on October 7, 2024 because this is the one-year milestone of the war in the Gaza Strip.

Security forces in several countries have warned that the situation could become more tense amid fears that escalating conflicts in the Middle East will inflame public sentiment.

Police in Rome, Italy, used tear gas and water cannons to control the rioters. At least 30 police officers were injured in clashes with the people, the Italian national news agency reported.

The situation in London (UK) is similar, protesters marched along the streets and were ready to attack the police when they were stopped. London Metropolitan Police said that at least 17 people were arrested for public order violations.

According to DPA, about 950 people held a protest in Hamburg (Germany) but no incidents were recorded. They waved Lebanese or Palestinian flags and chanted “Stop genocide”.

In France, thousands of people gathered at Republic Square to show solidarity and support those affected by the war in the Middle East.

The wave of protests was not only concentrated in Europe but also spread to many regions around the world including Asia, South Africa and the US.

Since the war in Gaza broke out on October 7, 2023, pro-Palestinian protests and calls for a ceasefire have taken place repeatedly across Europe.

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