US F-16 given to Ukraine crashes, pilot dies

Ngọc Vân |

Ukraine confirmed that the first F-16 the US gave the country crashed while repelling Russian airstrikes.

Reuters reported that the plane crashed on August 26. This is the first loss reported since the US-made fighter jets were brought to Ukraine this month.

On August 29, the Ukrainian General Staff announced on Facebook that an F-16 fighter jet crashed and the pilot died while approaching a Russian target.

The General Staff added that the F-16s “demonstrated high efficiency” and shot down four Russian cruise missiles. Ukraine noted that Russia launched more than 200 missiles and drones that day targeting the energy sector.

"Connection with one of the aircraft was lost while approaching the next target. The aircraft subsequently crashed and the pilot was killed," the statement said.

A US defense official told Reuters that the August 26 crash did not appear to have been caused by Russian fire and could have been caused by pilot error or mechanical failure. The incident is still under investigation.

Ukraine has not given details about the size of its new fleet, although the loss of the plane was significant. The Times of London quoted a source as saying Ukraine had only six F-16s.

Earlier, on August 4, President Volodymyr Zelensky said Ukraine did not have enough trained pilots to use the F-16 or enough fighter jets.

On August 4, 2024, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukraine does not have enough F-16s. Screenshot
On August 4, 2024, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Ukraine does not have enough F-16s. Reuters screenshot

Ukraine's Western Air Force Command wrote on Facebook that pilot Oleksiy Mes died during a combat mission on August 26.

"Oleksiy saved Ukrainians from deadly Russian missiles . Unfortunately, the pilot paid with his own life," the statement said.

Mes, nicknamed Moonfish, was training for F-16 missions, CNN reported in 2023.

The arrival of the F-16 fighter jets is a milestone for Ukraine in its conflict with Russia since February 2022.

Still, military analysts say the small number of F-16s, while important, is unlikely to be a turning point in the conflict.

Kiev has been pressing its allies to provide modern fighter jets since Russia began a military campaign to bolster its small and ageing post-Soviet aircraft fleet.

Before Kiev received the F-16s this year, Russia had more time to prepare its defenses and Ukraine had to use a depleted air force, a fraction of its opponent's size and capabilities.

Ngọc Vân

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