Russia launched the world's largest floating LNG facility

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The Russian military closely monitored the launching process of the world's largest floating LNG facility.

Russia does not want to take risks in the process of launching the world's leading floating LNG line. Following Ukraine's attacks on Russia's energy infrastructure, the Russian military and the Federal Security Service (FSB) are closely monitoring the Artic LNG 2 project in the Arctic.

Page gCaptain reported that Russian liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporter Novatek launched the second stage of the world's largest floating LNG line from a dry dock near Murmansk on July 25 with the support of a fleet of tugboats and offshore vessels.

The project uses giant floating concrete platforms to house each LNG production line.

With dimensions of 300m x 128m and a weight of 540,000 tons, this project has the same size and weight as the floating ship used to exploit liquefied natural gas Prelude FLNG of British giant Shell.

At least two FSB patrol ships and air assets will escort the 1,300-nautical mile journey bringing the floating LNG line into the Arctic. Photos taken in Kola Bay also show Russian military surface ships and submarines near the LNG floating platform.

Russian ship escorts LNG floating line. Photo: X@malte_humpert
Russian ship escorts LNG floating line. Photo: X@malte_humpert

In contrast to the launch ceremony of the first line in August 2023, attended by Russian President Vladimir Putin and widely announced in Russian media, the launch process of line 2 was kept more secret. much.

"In the interest of ensuring the safety of the floating module plant, timely detection and prevention of possible sabotage and terrorist threats, an interactive procedure in anti-terrorism exercises and training terrorism, as well as in established and approved anti-terrorist operations," the FSB press service said.

The greatest risks to the Arctic LNG 2 project are likely to persist throughout the initial phase of towing operations in the Kola Bay and along the Kola Peninsula. Ukrainian naval drone attacks have repeatedly targeted Russia's Black Sea Fleet.

It will take about three weeks to move the floating platform across the vast waters of the Barents Sea and Kara Sea.

The Russian cruiser Marshal Ustinov escorts the LNG floating line. Photo: Murmansk Oblast
The Russian cruiser Marshal Ustinov escorts the LNG floating line. Photo: Murmansk Oblast

Novatek's energy facilities have previously been targeted by Ukrainian forces. Novatek's Ust-Luga export terminal and processing complex in the Baltic region were attacked by drones in January 2024. This is where gas condensate is processed into light and heavy naphtha, jet fuel, fuel oil and diesel. It took more than 2 months for this facility to return to normal operations.

Long-range drone attacks have repeatedly hit major Russian oil refineries and fuel depots. The farthest attack occurred in Russia's Bashkiria region in May, more than 1,500km from Russian territory.

When it reaches its final destination at Utrenney station on the Gydan peninsula, about 3,000km from Ukraine, Arctic LNG 2 will be beyond the current reach of Ukrainian drones.

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