Russia holds largest strategic naval exercise in modern history

Ngọc Vân |

Russia conducts its largest naval exercise in decades, with Chinese warships and aircraft taking part.

RT reported that President Vladimir Putin announced that the "Ocean-2024" exercise will begin on September 10 and will be held simultaneously in the Pacific Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, as well as the Mediterranean, Caspian and Baltic Seas.

The purpose of the exercise is to assess the combat readiness of the Russian Navy and Air Force, as well as to check the interoperability of these forces - President Putin said online at the opening ceremony of the exercise.

The exercises involved more than 400 battleships and submarines as well as auxiliary vessels, about 120 aircraft and more than 90,000 personnel.

The drills will include complex operations involving simulation of high-precision weapon launches, President Putin said at a meeting attended by Defense Minister Andrey Belousov.

Cruise missiles are launched from a coastal mobile missile system during the exercise. Video: Russian Ministry of National Defence

The exercises use the experience the Russian military has accumulated in the ongoing conflict with Ukraine.

The Chinese military is also taking part in the Russian exercises. Four ships and 15 aircraft of the People's Liberation Army are taking part in the exercises, Russian Navy Commander Admiral Aleksandr Moiseev said.

According to President Putin, representatives from 15 other countries were also invited to participate in the exercises as observers.

Mr Putin stressed that Russia plans to "pay special attention to strengthening military cooperation with friendly countries". Such cooperation "is of particular importance in the context of increasing geopolitical tensions".

Mr Putin warned that the US was "trying to maintain global military and political dominance at all costs". Washington was using Kiev to inflict strategic defeat on Moscow. The US and its "satellites" have also built up a military presence in Europe, the Arctic and the Pacific under the pretext of "containment" of Russia and China.

According to President Putin, Washington and its allies openly talk about plans to deploy short- and medium-range missiles to islands in the Western Pacific and some countries in the region.

"The United States seeks to gain military advantage through its actions, but this will disrupt the current security structure and the balance of power. Such actions provoke an arms race," the Russian leader warned.

"Russia must be ready for any potential scenario. The armed forces must provide reliable security for both Russia's sovereignty and national interests," President Putin said.

The exercise included simulations of high-precision weapon launches. Video: Russian Ministry of National Defence

The Russian Ministry of National Defense has released several videos of the Ocean-2024 exercise. The videos show Oniks and Uran cruise missiles being launched from Bastion and Bal mobile coastal missile systems.

The Oniks hypersonic missile is capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 800 km and can travel at nearly three times the speed of sound.

Ngọc Vân

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