EU country surprises with fuel of the future

Song Minh |

EU country Finland suddenly surpassed the US, Japan, and China and introduced to the world the fuel of the future.

What is most surprising, the fuel is not hydrogen or ethanol that developing countries are developing. It is an even more powerful fuel – the fuel of the future and everything indicates that this will be an unstoppable trend that will stop Finland from leading the way.

Eco News reports that Finland has now taken a big step towards the future by establishing a new hydrogen and ammonia plant in Kokkola.

This novel project by the companies Hy2Gen and Flexens will produce renewable fuels for the new energy industry.

The plant, located at the Kokkola Industrial Park, will be capable of producing 760,000 tonnes of renewable ammonia per year using 1 GW of renewable electricity for electrical equipment company Plug Power's hydrogen production at one contiguous site. adjacent.

The Kokkola plant's plan is to produce 85 tons of liquid renewable hydrogen per day using 1 GW of Plug Power's renewable electricity. This hydrogen will be used to produce 760,000 tons of renewable ammonia per year. The factory will be located in Kokkola, which is convenient for ammonia exports because it is located near the port.

The plant is expected to begin operations at the end of 2027. Flexens, the other major shareholder in this project, also plans to develop an ammonia and green hydrogen project in the same area.

The plant will primarily focus on green hydrogen and ammonia production; the plan is to have the project operational before the end of calendar year 2027. The project is expected to reduce energy dependence and strengthen the domestic fertilizer sector for agriculture.

The Kokkola plant will supply renewable hydrogen feedstock to Hy2gen's neighboring ammonia plant, which has a capacity of 760,000 tons per year. Photo: Plug Power
The Kokkola plant will supply renewable hydrogen feedstock to Hy2gen's neighboring ammonia plant, which has a capacity of 760,000 tons per year. Photo: Plug Power

From CO2 savings to total capacity, several key points can explain the promising Kokkola project.

Capacity: Renewable ammonia production capacity at the Kokkola plant will reach 760,000 tons per year.

Renewable Hydrogen: The plant will produce 85 tons of liquid renewable hydrogen per day.

CO2 reduction: The project is estimated to reduce up to 1,220,000 tons of CO2 annually.

Land area: The factory will be located on a 55-hectare plot of land in the Finnish city of Kokkola.

Commencement date: The factory is expected to be put into operation at the end of 2027.

Partners: Hy2Gen, Plug Power, Flexens, KIP Infra, Kokkolan Energia, Gasgrid Finland and Nordion Energi.

Will we have engines that run on ammonia? Experts say renewable ammonia production also has potential for related industries, such as the transportation industry.

Renewable ammonia can be used as fuel for cars, making it a more environmentally friendly option than conventional fuel sources. Automotive ammonia engines have the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, so the product will satisfy consumers' environmental concerns.

The idea of ​​developing ammonia as a fuel may be very promising or just anecdotal. Currently, several automakers are exploring this option, with Finland being the leader.

Finland even pushed the hydrogen industry to a secondary level. The idea was to continue making ammonia fuel not only for boats but also to produce the first ammonia-powered automobile engine.

Song Minh

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Song Minh |

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