In Bengaluru, two cases of HMPV infection were reported, a 3-month-old baby who has been discharged from the hospital and an 8-month-old baby who is recovering in the hospital. A 2-month-old baby was also found to be infected with HMPV in Ahmedabad. Chennai and Salem in Tamil Nadu each reported one case of HMPV infection.
The infected children in Bengaluru and Ahmedabad had no recent travel history, ruling out exposure from other regions or countries, the health ministry said. There was no immediate information on HMPV cases in Tamil Nadu.
HMPV is a globally recognized respiratory virus that has recently attracted attention following an outbreak in China.
The Indian Ministry of Health said it is monitoring the situation through all available surveillance channels. The Indian Council of Medical Research (IMCR) will continue to monitor the HMPV circulation trends throughout the year.
Governments in Karnataka, Maharashtra and Delhi have issued guidelines – similar to those adopted during COVID-19 – to ensure preparedness for potential health challenges related to HMPV.
HMPV – first identified in 2001 – is a respiratory infection that causes flu-like symptoms. It can affect people of all ages, although children under 5, older adults and people with weakened immune systems are at higher risk.