Ministry of Home Affairs talks about proposal to reduce number of years for salary increase


Ministry of Home Affairs answers readers' questions about the proposal to reduce the time for regular salary increases for positions/ranks requiring university degrees.

According to Mr. Tran Van Luu (Long An province), recently, agencies and localities have basically implemented the contents related to salary increase of civil servants and public employees according to regulations. This is also the content that has received much attention from civil servants and public employees.

However, to ensure compliance with the actual situation and life of civil servants and public employees, Mr. Luu proposed that the Ministry of Home Affairs amend and reduce the regular salary increase period for positions/ranks requiring university degrees from 3 years to 2 years.

Mr. Luu said that currently, the time of 3 years to increase 1 salary level with a rate of 0.33 is quite short compared to the inflation rate and living standards of civil servants and public employees. With 3 years of salary increase of about 1 million VND, the average increase per year is about 300,000 VND.

Mr. Tran Van Luu proposed that the Ministry of Home Affairs revise the number of years or change the increase accordingly.

Regarding the reflection and recommendation of Mr. Tran Van Luu, the Ministry of Home Affairs has responded on the Electronic Information Portal.

According to the Ministry of Home Affairs, the salary regime for cadres, civil servants, public employees and armed forces is stipulated in Decree No. 204/2004/ND-CP dated December 14, 2004 of the Prime Minister.

Article 7, Chapter III of the decree clearly states the salary increase regime:

Regular salary increases are implemented based on the performance of officials, civil servants, and public employees and the time they hold the rank or position.

The time to hold a rank or position to consider regular salary increase is prescribed as follows:

For the title of senior expert, if the final salary level of the salary scale has not been reached, after 5 years (60 months) of holding the salary level in the senior expert salary scale, the salary level will be considered for a raise of one salary level.

For subjects with salaries classified according to Table 2, Table 3, Table 4 prescribed in Clause 1, Article 5 of this Decree and the professional and technical salary tables of the Court and Procuracy sectors prescribed in Resolution No. 730/2004/NQ-UBTVQH11, if the final salary grade in the grade or in the position has not been classified, the time to hold the grade in the grade or in the position to consider salary increase is as follows:

Subjects with salaries ranked according to grades from type A0 to type A3 of Table 2, Table 3 and positions with salaries ranked according to the professional and technical salary table of the Court and Procuracy sectors: After 3 years (36 months) of holding the salary grade in the grade or position, they will be considered for a raise of one salary grade.

Subjects with salaries classified according to grades B and C of Table 2 and Table 3 and executive and service staff with salaries classified according to Table 4: After 2 years (24 months) of maintaining the salary grade in the grade, they will be considered for a raise of one salary grade.

Regarding the content of the proposal to amend and reduce the time for regular salary increases, the Ministry of Home Affairs noted your feedback to report to competent authorities in the process of amending and supplementing relevant legal documents.


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Bộ Nội vụ giải đáp thắc mắc bạn đọc liên quan đến việc kéo dài thời gian nâng lương đối với công chức bị kỷ luật.

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Theo Bộ Nội vụ, đã có quy định cụ thể về đối tượng được xét nâng bậc lương trước thời hạn.

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Ministry of Home Affairs information on early salary increase


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Early salary increase for those who have announced retirement


Early salary increase for officials, civil servants and functionaries who have announced their retirement is regulated in Circular No. 08/2013/TT-BNV.