Recently, the Office of the President coordinated with the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Supreme People's Court to hold a press conference to announce Decision No. 266/2025/QD-CTN dated March 3, 2025 on amnesty in 2025 of the President.
Immediately afterwards, Politburo member, Permanent Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Hoa Binh - Chairman of the Amnesty Advisory Council - signed and issued Instruction No. 21/HD-HDTVDX on the implementation of Decision No. 266/2025/QD-CTN on amnesty in 2025.
The organization of amnesty is subject to the President's Decision on May 1, 2025.
Decision No. 266 and Instruction No. 21 have detailed regulations on the subjects of amnesty consideration, the conditions for amnesty and cases where amnesty is not requested.
People who are not proposed for amnesty if sentenced to prison for treason against the Fatherland; crimes of activities aimed at overthrowing people's governments; crimes of Es tao; crimes of violating territorial security; crimes of riots; crimes of terrorism aimed at opposing people's governments; crimes of sabotage of Vietnam's infrastructure and techniques.
Sentenced to imprisonment for the crime of making, storing, disseminating or propagating information, documents, and items aimed at opposing the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; crimes of disturbing security; crimes against destroying detention facilities; crimes of terrorism or one of the crimes specified in the Chapter on crimes of disturbing peace, human rights and war crimes of the Penal Code.
Other cases are the judgment, the judgment or the decision of the Court for that person who is being appealed under the procedure of the director of appraisal and re-appointment in the direction of increasing criminal liability; being prosecuted for criminal liability for other crimes; having been previously granted amnesty; having 2 or more previous convictions.
Committing the crime of killing 2 or more people or killing organized or organized or in a hooligan manner or committing a crime in a brutal manner; intentionally causing multiple injuries to one person or one person at a time or intentionally causing injury to 2 or more times or to 2 or more people or intentionally causing injury organized or in a hooligan or in the form of using dangerous acids or dangerous chemicals; raping in a tropical form; raping a child or raping a person under 16 years old...
The mastermind, leader, and commander in an organized crime case; the person who uses devices to defy and obstruct in an organized crime case; the offender is a professional offender.
Sentenced to imprisonment for committing three or more crimes or committing two or more crimes intentionally, including the case of synthesizing a sentence; or serving a combined sentence for being sentenced to imprisonment twice or more for the same crime intentionally; having a previous conviction but being sentenced to imprisonment for the crime of intention.
Having been sentenced to prison, including cases where criminal records have been cleared or having been sent to compulsory education institutions, including educational institutions before or have been sent to reform schools and having been sentenced to prison for one of the following crimes: For drugs; murder; intentional injury; robbery; robbery; extortion; fraud; theft; kidnapping to appropriate property.