National Assembly Chairman inspects flood and storm recovery work in Thai Nguyen

Lam Thanh |

On September 12, National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man visited and encouraged people in flooded areas and inspected the damage recovery situation caused by floods in Thai Nguyen province.

Working with Thai Nguyen province, National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man highly appreciated the proactive spirit and timely intervention of the provincial leaders in the face of unusual developments of storm No. 3. The province has thoroughly grasped and seriously implemented the Central Government's instructions and actively directed the work of overcoming the consequences of storms and floods.

"In the past few days, storm number 3 with very strong intensity has flooded the northern provinces of our country. Immediately after the storm, there were floods, causing serious impacts on the lives and properties of people in the northern provinces.

Chu tich Quoc hoi Tran Thanh Man lam viec tai tinh Thai Nguyen ve cong tac khac phuc thien tai. Anh:
National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man works in Thai Nguyen province on disaster recovery. Photo:

"The Party Committee and the government of Thai Nguyen province continue to thoroughly grasp and fully and seriously implement the Central's directives. Highly concentrate and mobilize the entire political system to quickly overcome the consequences of natural disasters, minimizing human and property damage," the National Assembly Chairman emphasized.

National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man requested Thai Nguyen province to continue mobilizing forces to support people in repairing houses and cleaning up the environment. Timely visit and encourage families of victims. Warn about dangerous areas at risk of landslides and floods. Organize 24/7 on-call to grasp the situation and take timely response measures.

Chu tich Quoc hoi Tran Thanh Man tham, tang qua tai Thai Nguyen. Anh: Lam Hien
The National Assembly Chairman presented 30 billion VND to Thai Nguyen province to overcome the consequences of natural disasters. Photo:

The report on natural disaster prevention and flood relief by the leaders of Thai Nguyen province shows that due to the impact of storm No. 3, from September 6 to 12, Thai Nguyen province experienced heavy to very heavy rain causing flooding.

"As of 1 p.m. on September 12, in Thai Nguyen, 4 people have died, property damage is estimated at over 608 billion VND. Over 50,000 households have been urgently evacuated.

Due to the complicated situation of natural disasters and floods, and rising water levels, localities are continuing to review, count, and assess the damage," said Thai Nguyen Provincial Party Secretary Trinh Viet Hung.

Chu tich Quoc hoi Tran Thanh Man tang qua tai xa Nga My. Anh:
National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man presents gifts in Nga My commune. Photo:

According to the Secretary of Thai Nguyen Province, during the recent floods, the Army and Police mobilized over 7,000 officers, soldiers and militia to support people in responding to and overcoming the damage caused by floods. Currently, the locality has mobilized forces and means at the grassroots level to help households overcome the consequences caused by natural disasters.

On this occasion, National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man presented 30 billion VND from the Central Relief Committee to Thai Nguyen province to support overcoming the consequences of storm No. 3 and floods in the area.

Also this afternoon, National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man and the working delegation inspected the field in Nga My commune (Phu Binh).

Here, the National Assembly Chairman kindly visited the situation and encouraged people to overcome difficulties. At the same time, he presented 200 gifts to households directly affected by the floods.

Lam Thanh

Thiệt hại mưa lũ tại Thái Nguyên tăng lên hơn 600 tỉ đồng

Nguyễn Hoàn |

Trận mưa lũ lịch sử ở Thái Nguyên đã gây nhiều hư hại về tài sản, hoa màu... ước tính tổng mức thiệt hại đã tăng lên hơn 600 tỉ đồng.

Máy bay không người lái tiếp tế vùng lũ Thái Nguyên

Nguyễn hoàn |

Công an tỉnh Thái Nguyên phối hợp cùng nhóm thiện nguyện sử dụng máy bay không người lái (drone) để chuyển hàng tiếp tế cho người dân vùng ngập lụt.

Chủ tịch Quốc hội dự khai giảng năm học mới ở tỉnh Vĩnh Long

Tạ Quang |

Chủ tịch Quốc hội Trần Thanh Mẫn dự lễ khai giảng năm học mới 2024 - 2025 tại Trường THPT Phạm Hùng, huyện Long Hồ, tỉnh Vĩnh Long.

Ngôi làng quanh năm tô vẽ, tạo tiếng trống dịp Tết Trung thu

Thanh Bình - Khánh Linh |

Làng nghề ông Hảo (xã Liêu Xá, huyện Yên Mỹ, tỉnh Hưng Yên) là nơi khai sinh của nhiều món đồ chơi Trung thu cổ truyền.

Làm từ thiện không trung thực là vi phạm đạo đức, pháp luật


PGS.TS Phạm Ngọc Trung đã có những chia sẻ xung quanh câu chuyện về tình người và vấn đề làm từ thiện sau cơn bão số 3.

Chưa đóng cửa mỏ vàng cũ, đã giao đất để làm mỏ vàng mới


Công ty trây ỳ trả lại đất ở mỏ vàng A Pey A được tỉnh Quảng Trị cho thuê đất để thực hiện dự án mỏ vàng A Vao.

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Bảo Nguyên |

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Thanh Hà |

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Flood damage in Thai Nguyen increased to more than 600 billion VND

Nguyễn Hoàn |

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Drones provide supplies to flooded areas in Thai Nguyen

Nguyễn hoàn |

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Tạ Quang |

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