On November 26, Permanent Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Hoa Binh, Head of the Prime Minister's Administrative Procedure Reform Working Group, had a direct and online meeting with 3 ministries (Defense, Foreign Affairs, Information and Communications) and 8 localities (Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Hai Phong, Da Nang, Can Tho, Quang Ninh, Hai Duong, Tay Ninh) on administrative procedure reform.
Regarding reform of implementation, handling of administrative procedures, and provision of public services, ministries and localities have made efforts to implement this work and achieved some outstanding results.
Receiving and processing administrative procedure records on the Administrative Procedure Processing Information System and synchronizing with the National Public Service Portal has been done quite well (Can Tho).
The rate of digitizing records and the results of handling administrative procedures have been focused on and achieved high results in a number of ministries and localities (Ministry of National Defense, Hai Duong). The quality of public service provision and the rate of online records continue to improve (Ministry of National Defense). High satisfaction rate in responding to feedback and recommendations (Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Quang Ninh)...
In addition to the achieved results, there are still shortcomings that need to be addressed, such as the lack of timely and complete announcement and disclosure of administrative procedures; the restructuring of administrative procedures and public services is not substantial and is still complicated.
Digitalization is still slow and ineffective, especially the rate of reuse of digital data is still very low, such as at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Da Nang, and Hai Phong.
The connection between the database and the centralized public service information system under the management of ministries and branches with the information system for handling administrative procedures at the ministerial and provincial levels is still slow; in some places, the implementation of reforms is not yet drastic; there are still situations of harassment, arising of procedures, records and papers that are not in accordance with regulations.
Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Hoa Binh emphasized that administrative procedure reform has always received special attention from the Party and State.
The Government has clearly identified this as one of the key tasks and fundamental solutions to create momentum for economic recovery and growth, and improve the investment and business environment.
Emphasizing that "A good administration must have the above elements being good, operating smoothly and effectively", the First Deputy Prime Minister stated that administrative procedure reform must focus mainly on two major stages, which are reforming regulations on administrative procedures through policy making, promulgation of legal documents and reforming policy implementation, handling administrative procedures, and providing public services to serve people and businesses.
The goal is to create an open and people-oriented administration that effectively and efficiently serves the people and businesses.
Ministries and localities also need to increase exchanges and learn from each other's experiences in the implementation process to bring about practical results, because in reality, in similar conditions and circumstances, there are still localities that do better.
Emphasizing the requirement to build a streamlined apparatus that operates effectively and efficiently, Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Hoa Binh stated that ministries and localities need to pay special attention to building and perfecting the staff, ensuring the building of a streamlined apparatus.
Strengthen training and improve the capacity of implementing officers, select people who are truly dedicated, capable, knowledgeable, and have a high sense of responsibility in performing their duties.