On December 17, the People's Committee of Ha Giang province held a conference to deploy and develop a plan to rearrange agencies and units under the Provincial People's Committee.
Currently, Ha Giang has 19 departments and agencies at the same level as departments. According to the plan to rearrange agencies and public service units under the province, 5 departments will remain unchanged due to no change in functions and tasks but will continue to rearrange and streamline the internal apparatus, including: Department of Justice, Foreign Affairs, Culture, Sports and Tourism, Office of the Provincial People's Committee, and Provincial Inspectorate.
The 10 departments to be merged include: Department of Finance, Department of Planning and Investment merged into Department of Economy - Finance; Department of Transport, Department of Construction merged into Department of Construction and Transport; Department of Natural Resources and Environment merged with Department of Agriculture and Rural Development into Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment; Department of Information and Communications, Department of Science and Technology merged into Department of Science, Technology and Communications, Department of Home Affairs with Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs into Department of Home Affairs and Labor.
3 departments are reorganized by taking over some functions and tasks of other units after the merger, including: Department of Health, Industry and Trade, Education and Training. The Ethnic Committee is reorganized into the Ethnic Committee - Religion.
Merge 3 Project Management Boards of Construction Investment (Provincial Civil and Industrial Works; Traffic Works; Agricultural and Rural Development Works) into 1 management board. Reorganize the ODA Project Management Board.
Merge the Association of the Disabled and the Association of Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin into the Provincial Red Cross. Merge the Association of Literature and Arts into the Provincial Journalists Association. Dissolve the Provincial Gardening Association.
For the district level, the organization will be reorganized and streamlined similar to the provincial level. After the reorganization, the number of departments will be reduced from 132 to 109.