Decriminalization of economic relations, abolition of sub-licenses


The Prime Minister emphasized not to criminalize economic relations; to study and abolish sub-licenses, and to eliminate the environment that creates harassment for businesses.

On September 21, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chaired a conference of the Government Standing Committee working with large enterprises on solutions to contribute to the country's socio-economic development.

In his concluding remarks, the Prime Minister affirmed his great confidence and pride in the growth and maturity of the Vietnamese business community, including the businesses attending the conference.

The Prime Minister emphasized that the Government is committed to always accompanying and protecting the legitimate and legal rights and interests of enterprises in any circumstances; not criminalizing economic relations; researching and abolishing sub-licenses, eliminating the environment that creates harassment and inconvenience, increasing compliance costs for enterprises.

"Resolving difficulties for businesses is contributing to solving difficulties for the country's economy. If businesses develop, the country will develop. The spirit is to resolve any problems, no pushing, no avoiding, no causing trouble or harassment," the Prime Minister emphasized.

Thu tuong Chinh phu Pham Minh Chinh phat bieu. Anh: Nhat Bac
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh speaks. Photo: Nhat Bac

In addition, the Prime Minister requested that enterprises operate in accordance with the provisions of the law, contributing effectively and efficiently to the building and improvement of institutions, especially the socialist-oriented market economic institution, managing and promoting the development of enterprises.

The Prime Minister clearly stated the viewpoint of identifying people and businesses as the center and subjects in building and perfecting institutions and laws; institutions not only manage effectively but also create development.

The Prime Minister suggested that businesses promote 6 pioneers:

Firstly, pioneer in promoting and applying science and technology, innovation, focusing on traditional growth drivers and new growth drivers, and responding to climate change.

Second, pioneer in participating in global value chains, production chains, and supply chains, contributing to building corporate and national brands.

Third, pioneer in creating jobs and livelihoods for people, ensuring social security, leaving no one behind.

Fourth, pioneering in infrastructure development, especially digital infrastructure, transport infrastructure, cultural infrastructure, climate change response, and green transformation.

Fifth, pioneer in contributing to training high-quality human resources, reforming administrative procedures and enhancing smart management capacity, improving the investment and business environment.

Sixth, pioneer in solidarity, unity, mutual support, working together, enjoying together, winning together, developing businesses and developing the country together.

Hoi nghi cua Thuong truc Chinh phu lam viec voi cac doanh nghiep. Anh: Nhat Bac
Conference of the Government Standing Committee working with businesses. Photo: Nhat Bac

Regarding the comments and recommendations of businesses, the Prime Minister assigned ministries and branches to listen, absorb and resolve with both short-term and long-term solutions in the spirit of doing what is said, doing what is committed, and harmonizing the interests of the people, businesses and the State.

The Prime Minister stated that the Government thanks businesses for proposing specific tasks in the construction of the North-South high-speed railway, urban railway, steel production, construction of expressways, power plants, airports, ports, national exhibition centers, social housing, child nutrition care and improving people's physical health, etc.

Based on the proposals, the agencies will research, assign tasks, and order businesses to implement.

The Head of Government requested ministries and branches to handle work with high determination, great efforts, and drastic actions to work with businesses to resolve difficulties and problems, and organize implementation with clear people, clear work, clear time, clear responsibilities, clear products, and clear results.


Thủ tướng: Sức mạnh bắt nguồn từ nhân dân, doanh nghiệp


Thủ tướng Chính phủ nhấn mạnh, đất nước đang có khí thế phát triển mới rất rõ, các doanh nghiệp tư nhân có tầm nhìn và sứ mệnh đóng góp cho phát triển đất nước.

Thủ tướng không hài lòng với một số ngành, địa phương


Thủ tướng Chính phủ bày tỏ sự không hài lòng đối với một số ngành, địa phương trả lại vốn đầu tư công, yêu cầu chấn chỉnh lại công việc.

Đề xuất mục tiêu đưa Việt Nam vào nhóm 30-35 nền kinh tế lớn


Thủ tướng yêu cầu phải đề xuất mục tiêu đưa nước ta thuộc nhóm từ 30 đến 35 nền kinh tế lớn trên thế giới, trong nhóm các nước có thu nhập trung bình cao.

Đề xuất nghỉ học thứ Bảy: Liệu có giảm áp lực?


Nhiều địa phương đã triển khai hoặc lấy ý kiến việc cho học sinh nghỉ học thứ Bảy, tức chỉ học 5 ngày/tuần.

Tỷ giá đồng Yên đột ngột giảm sau khi tăng chạm đỉnh

Huyền Mai |

Sau khi cựu Bộ trưởng Quốc phòng Shigeru Ishiba giành chiến thắng trong cuộc bầu chọn Thủ tướng Nhật Bản, tỷ giá đồng Yên bất ngờ sụt giảm.

Giá vàng hôm nay 28.9: Vàng nhẫn tăng bất chấp

Khương Duy |

Giá vàng hôm nay 28.9: Sau nhiều phiên tăng phi mã, vàng thế giới đã quay đầu sụt giảm. Giá vàng nhẫn tròn trơn trong nước duy trì vững chắc đà tăng.

Bắc Ninh bãi nhiệm 1 Ủy viên UBND tỉnh

Vân Trường |

UBND tỉnh Bắc Ninh vừa có công văn về việc miễn nhiệm, bãi nhiệm và bầu bổ sung Ủy viên Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Bắc Ninh, khóa XIX, nhiệm kỳ 2021-2026.

Tàu lại trật bánh khi qua Huế


HUẾ - Rạng sáng 28.9, tàu di chuyển qua địa phận tỉnh Thừa Thiên Huế tiếp tục bị trật bánh.

Prime Minister: Strength comes from people and businesses


The Prime Minister emphasized that the country has a very clear new development momentum, and private enterprises have the vision and mission to contribute to the country's development.

The Prime Minister is not satisfied with some sectors and localities


The Prime Minister expressed dissatisfaction with some sectors and localities returning public investment capital, requesting to rectify the work.

Proposing the goal of bringing Vietnam into the group of 30-35 largest economies


The Prime Minister requested to propose a goal of bringing our country into the group of 30 to 35 largest economies in the world, in the group of countries with upper middle income.