In the Politburo meeting on February 28, 2025 to review and evaluate the results of the initial implementation of Resolution 18 of the Politburo on continuing to innovate and reorganize the apparatus of the political system to be streamlined and operate effectively and efficiently, the Politburo highly agreed on the policy of strongly, resolutely and more quickly implementing the contents of Resolution 18 in 2025.
After listening to the Government's report on the ability to balance finances during and after the process of streamlining the apparatus of the political system, the Politburo decided to exempt all tuition fees for students from preschool to high school public schools nationwide. The implementation time is from the beginning of the new school year 2025-2026 (September 2025 onwards).
The Politburo assigned the Government Party Committee to direct the Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry of Finance, a number of relevant ministries, branches and localities to coordinate in concretizing and seriously implementing the above decision.