This morning, the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of the Capital took place


On the morning of October 10, the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the National Assembly, the President, the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and Hanoi City solemnly held a national ceremony to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of the Capital (October 10, 1954 - October 10, 2024).

Tong Bi thu, Chu tich nuoc To Lam den du Le ky niem 70 nam Ngay Giai phong Thu do. Anh: Hai Nguyen
General Secretary and President To Lam attended the ceremony to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of the Capital. Photo: Hai Nguyen

This is the most important event in the series of activities celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of the Capital, a memorable milestone in the journey of building and developing the heroic Capital of the heroic country of Vietnam.

The ceremony took place at the National Conference Center with the participation of leaders and former leaders of the Party, State, central departments, ministries, and branches, Hanoi city; international delegates and delegates from provinces and cities across the country; delegates of veteran revolutionaries, Vietnamese Heroic Mothers, Heroes of the People's Armed Forces, Heroes of Labor; representatives of the Liaison Committee of revolutionary soldiers imprisoned by the enemy in Hanoi city; Veterans, Former Youth Volunteers; delegates of artists, intellectuals, religious figures, people from all walks of life, and armed forces of the capital.

The opening ceremony was an art program celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Capital Liberation Day, recreating historical moments in the resistance war against the French by the army and people of the Capital, the heroic spirit of the Capital Liberation Day and the glorious historical events of the Capital Hanoi on the journey of the past 70 years.

Tiet muc nghe thuat chao mung le ky niem. Anh: Hai Nguyen
Art performance to celebrate the anniversary. Photo: Hai Nguyen
Cac dai bieu du Le ky niem 70 nam Ngay Giai phong Thu do.
Delegates attending the 70th Anniversary of the Capital Liberation Day. Photo: Hai Nguyen

General Secretary and President To Lam, on behalf of the Party and State leaders, delivered a speech at the celebration. At the celebration, representatives of historical witnesses and the young generation also spoke to share their feelings and pride in the capital and the country.

The celebration program took place in the morning and was reported live by Vietnam Television, and rebroadcast on channels and waves of a number of central and local radio and television stations.

Buoi tong duyet Le ky niem 70 nam Ngay Giai phong Thu do. Anh: Viet Thanh
Rehearsal for the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Capital. Photo: Viet Thanh

Mở triển lãm sách Kỷ niệm 70 năm Ngày Giải phóng Thủ đô

Thùy Trang |

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"Khoác áo mới" cho từng con ngõ, mừng ngày Giải phóng Thủ đô

Hạ nguyễn |

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