Sir, information related to the arrangement and organization of a lean, compact, and strong apparatus is receiving much attention. Through contact with voters, what do you think the practical requirements are for this content?
- In the recent period, we have streamlined and eliminated the General Department level in many agencies and apparatus, gradually reducing the number of intermediate units and levels. We have also rearranged administrative units at district and commune levels and achieved many results, and localities are very determined to do so.
It can be said that both in theory and practice, the requirements for a lean and strong apparatus have been verified. That is the trend of the digital transformation era, the 4.0 era. We see that when the COVID-19 pandemic occurred, it caused great harm, but the pandemic was also a very effective test for the application of technology, digital transformation and streamlining of staff.
I think that now is the right time to continue to reorganize and streamline the apparatus to be lean, strong, effective, efficient, and effective at both the central and local levels. This is also a trend that is happening in practice and requires us to do it, we cannot help but do it. However, reorganizing the apparatus and organization is an important, complicated, and sensitive field, so it needs to be done step by step, scientifically, strictly, and cautiously.
When restructuring the apparatus, it is clear that many leaders will be affected. As an insider, what are your thoughts?
- First of all, we have to look at the general, as for the story that can influence, I think, any revolution requires sacrifice. The main thing is that what is aimed at is for the good, for the trend of the times and towards the success of the revolution to streamline the apparatus. The main thing is to make the apparatus lean, compact, strong, effective, efficient, and effective is the focus.
Along with the arrangement and reorganization of a lean, compact, and strong apparatus is the story of people and the selection of cadres. Therefore, the work of cadres must also be very thorough and scientific to choose the right person for the right job, to choose people with heart, vision, talent, truly "both red and professional" to meet the requirements of the job. Only then will the sacrifice of others be worth it.
Every historical period of the country needs a push and the revolution in the arrangement of the apparatus will be a big push for the country to develop more strongly?
- We see that, in each stage, our country needs a push to achieve great results. At that time, the spirit, will and determination of the Vietnamese people are most clearly demonstrated.
The most typical examples are the strength and solidarity with which we have created "earth-shaking" revolutions, creating revolutions to liberate the nation, unify the country, and drive out all foreign invaders.
Or before the collapse of the Soviet Union and the socialist system in Eastern Europe in the last century, our country was also in a "life-or-death" situation, very difficult, but under the leadership of the Party, the determination of cadres, party members and people, we escaped spectacularly, firmly and steadfastly maintaining the path to socialism.
Recently, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Vietnamese spirit and will have become even stronger and more determined, and we have won, pushed back the epidemic, returned to life, and developed the economy and society.
Now, we are also entering a revolution to streamline the apparatus. To achieve success, it is clear that determination is needed, leading to correct awareness and action. That said, this is the right time, the opportunity to carry out this revolution, preparing the country to enter a new era, an era of national growth as affirmed by General Secretary To Lam.
Thank you!