Prime Minister outlines 6 urgent tasks to overcome storm and flood consequences


The Prime Minister choked up and cried many times when mentioning the devastation, severe consequences, and losses and damages to the people and the country.

On September 15, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chaired a conference on urgently overcoming the consequences of typhoon Yagi, quickly stabilizing the people's situation, restoring production and business, and promoting growth.

According to the Office of the Government, in his concluding remarks, the Prime Minister conveyed the regards, sharing and condolences of the Politburo, the Secretariat, General Secretary, President To Lam and the leaders of the Party and State to agencies, localities, units and especially the families of those who died, went missing or were injured due to super typhoon No. 3.

The Prime Minister choked up and cried many times when mentioning the devastation, severe consequences, and losses and damages to the people and the country.

"We have tried our best. We have found the best possible solution, we have found what is left in what is lost... But the irreplaceable loss is the lives and spirits of the people, the families whose loved ones died," the Prime Minister was moved.

Toan canh hoi nghi. Anh: Nhat Bac
Overview of the conference. Photo: Nhat Bac

The Head of Government emphasized that the upcoming goals are to ensure that no one is left without food, clothing, hunger, cold, clean water, shelter, or daily necessities; to effectively overcome the consequences of super typhoon No. 3; and to quickly stabilize the people's spiritual and material situation.

At the same time, restore production and business activities; control inflation well and strive for GDP growth of about 7% for the whole year; maintain political stability, social order and safety and a peaceful, stable, cooperative and developing environment.

The Prime Minister pointed out a group of 6 urgent tasks and solutions to overcome the consequences of the storm, including:

First, search for missing people and treat injured people.

Second, arrange temporary accommodation for people who have lost their homes or have damaged houses, provide food, clean water for people, and treat the sick.

Third, review, inspect, and by all means approach isolated and cut-off areas to support and supply people.

Fourth, focus the entire political system and people's forces on cleaning up the environment and preventing epidemics.

Fifth, do not let power outages, telecommunications outages and essential services occur.

Sixth, immediately repair medical and educational facilities so that children can go to school and sick people can be treated.

Thu tuong Chinh phu ket luan hoi nghi. Anh: Nhat Bac
The Prime Minister concluded the conference. Photo: Nhat Bac

Regarding solutions to stabilize the situation for the people, the head of the Government requested to review and count the damage of the people and the State, immediately support the damaged people, and try to stabilize on the spot such as arranging accommodation at village cultural houses, police and military facilities in the area.

Review buried villages, families who lost their homes, organize resettlement in safe places, must be completed by December 31, 2024 at the latest, the requirement is that the new place of residence must be better than the old place, the house must have a hard floor, hard walls, hard roof.

Review, count, and repair classrooms and equipment so that all students can return to school this September. Localities count the damage and propose support for families. Research tuition exemptions and reductions for affected students.

The Prime Minister requested the State Bank and the banking system to study policies on debt extension, deferral, and freeze, credit policies, and zero-interest packages; the Ministry of Finance to study the reduction, extension, and deferral of taxes, fees, and charges.

The Social Policy Bank has a plan to lend to households; the insurance industry promptly pays for damages to businesses and people.

The Prime Minister requested effective use of support money to overcome consequences, fight corruption, waste and profiteering.


Thủ tướng chủ trì hội nghị khắc phục hậu quả bão số 3


Thủ tướng Chính phủ chủ trì hội nghị với các địa phương nhằm đánh giá sơ bộ công tác lãnh đạo, chỉ đạo ứng phó, khắc phục hậu quả bão số 3 với 4 mục tiêu lớn.

Bảo đảm nguồn chi trả tiền lương, chính sách an sinh xã hội


Chính phủ yêu cầu bảo đảm nguồn dự phòng cho chi phòng, chống thiên tai, dịch bệnh, trả tiền lương, chính sách an sinh xã hội.

Thủ tướng yêu cầu kiểm tra, kiểm soát thị trường sau bão


Thủ tướng Phạm Minh Chính yêu cầu kiểm soát thị trường, xử lý nghiêm hành vi vi phạm, kiên quyết không để tình trạng găm hàng, tăng giá bất hợp lý sau bão số 3.

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Prime Minister chairs conference on overcoming consequences of storm No. 3


The Prime Minister chaired a conference with localities to make a preliminary assessment of the leadership and direction of response and recovery from storm No. 3 with four major goals.

Ensure salary payment source, social security policy


The Government requires ensuring reserve funds for natural disaster and epidemic prevention and control, salary payment, and social security policies.

Prime Minister requests to inspect and control the market after the storm


Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh requested market control, strict handling of violations, and resolutely preventing hoarding and unreasonable price increases after storm No. 3.