Prime Minister directs focus on responding to major floods and ensuring dyke safety

Phạm Đông |

The Prime Minister requested to focus on responding to major floods and ensuring the safety of dikes on rivers in the North, especially the Red River - Thai Binh River system.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has just signed Official Dispatch No. 93/CD-TTg dated September 11, 2024 focusing on responding to major floods and ensuring the safety of dikes on rivers in the North, especially the Red River - Thai Binh River system.

The Prime Minister requested that Secretaries and Chairmen of People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities not be subjective or negligent, but mobilize the entire political system to take action, assign members of the Standing Committee and Standing Committee to directly go to key areas to lead, direct, urge and inspect flood prevention and control and dike protection work.

Focus on reviewing, checking, and implementing plans to protect key dike points according to the "four on-site" principle; prepare forces, materials, vehicles, machinery, and equipment, especially at key points to promptly deploy dike protection and handle incidents from the first hour.

Strengthen inspection of the dike system, strictly carry out patrolling and guarding to protect dikes during the flood season according to the alarm level, ensure compliance with the provisions of the Law on Dikes, promptly detect and handle any incidents that may occur, avoid being passive or surprised.

Continue to review and immediately deploy plans to ensure the safety of people living in areas outside the riverbank (including in dike lines at risk of being unsafe), and resolutely not let people stay in dangerous areas when the flood rises.

In necessary cases, it is necessary to proactively enforce evacuation to ensure the safety of people's lives.

Thu tuong Chinh phu chi dao tap trung ung pho lu lon. Anh: Phan Anh
In recent days, floods have risen rapidly on many rivers in the northern provinces. Photo: Phan Anh

The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, according to his assigned functions and tasks, focuses on directing, inspecting, urging, and guiding localities to deploy flood prevention and control work and dyke protection according to the alarm level to ensure the safety of the dyke system.

In which, it is necessary to ensure absolute safety for dykes from level III to special level; coordinate with relevant agencies to direct scientific and appropriate operation of reservoirs in the Red River basin, ensure absolute safety for the works, and contribute to flood reduction for downstream areas.

The Prime Minister assigned the Minister of National Defence to be responsible for organizing, directing and ensuring that the army is the main force performing dike protection tasks.

Direct military regions, agencies and units to proactively coordinate with localities and specialized agencies to review dike protection plans and be ready to deploy forces at key locations to promptly handle any situations that may arise.

The Minister of Public Security directs the work of ensuring security and order in the areas where people are evacuated to and from, traffic safety and order, and preparing forces and means to support localities in carrying out rescue and responding to major floods.

The Minister of Industry and Trade directed relevant agencies and entities managing and exploiting hydroelectric dams to coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in operating hydroelectric reservoirs, ensuring safety for the works, and contributing to flood reduction downstream.

The Minister of Transport directed the implementation of work to ensure safety of inland waterway traffic, to prevent incidents involving water transport vehicles that affect the safety of dikes and bridges across rivers, especially on rivers with large floods.

Phạm Đông

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Minh Nguyễn |

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