LD 24054: Poverty of an elderly woman without a husband and children in Nam Dinh

Hà Vi |

Ms. Dam Thi Hong (72 years old, Truc Chinh commune, Truc Ninh district, Nam Dinh province ) lives alone, in difficult circumstances and needs help.

Finding the old house where Mrs. Hong lives in Dich Diep village (Truc Chinh commune, Truc Ninh district, Nam Dinh province), we were speechless at the desolate scene of the house where people were living. The house was built a long time ago and is damp. Mrs. Hong only lives in a house of less than 10 square meters where she lives, eats and sleeps.

Talking about her life, Ms. Hong couldn't help but feel sad, her eyes filled with sadness: "This is the old house my parents left behind with 3 rooms, but my younger brother and I didn't get along, so my younger brother and his wife lived separately, separated from each other. Please give me a room to live in. I'm not married, so I don't have any children. Now that I'm old, I'm living alone in this small house."

Mrs. Hong cut pieces of damaged dragon fruit to use to raise chickens. Photo: Ha Vi
Mrs. Hong cut pieces of damaged dragon fruit to use to raise chickens. Photo: Ha Vi

At the age of 72, Ms. Hong has difficulty walking due to a sore back and is unable to stand straight, but to make a living, every day, she still goes to the market near her house to pick up discarded items. What people give her please take it back to eat and use. raise 2 chickens. While filtering each rotten dragon fruit, Mrs. Hong told us: "This morning I went to the market to ask for some dragon fruits. I peeled off the rotten parts to feed the chickens. I ate any edible pieces to save waste. Live I'm alone, so I raise 2 chickens as friends. When I need money, I sell them to make ends meet."

Ms. Hong has back pain, making it difficult to move and walk. Photo: Ha Vi
Ms. Hong has back pain, making it difficult to move and walk. Photo: Ha Vi

Feeling sorry for Mrs. Hong's situation, who in the neighborhood has anything to help? Sometimes it's just a little rice, a bunch of vegetables and a few coins of salt and fish sauce.

Talking to a reporter from Lao Dong Newspaper, Mr. Nguyen Manh Chuc - Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Truc Chinh commune (Truc Ninh district) said that Ms. Dam Thi Hong in Dich Diep village is a poor single-parent household that receives a monthly allowance. Mrs. Hong lives alone, her old age makes it very difficult. For many years now, every time sponsors have had the opportunity to support poor households and people in difficult circumstances in the area, the local government has always turned to Mrs. Hong.

Any help for life situation LD24054 - please send to: Golden Heart Charitable Social Fund - 51 Hang Bo, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi. Account number (STK) 113000000758 at Vietinbank Hoan Kiem Branch, Hanoi; Contact number: 0021000303088 - at Vietcombank Hanoi Branch; STK: 12410001122556 - at BIDV Hoan Kiem Branch.

Or please scan the QR code:

Or contact directly to support Ms. Dam Thi Hong (in Dich Diep village, Truc Chinh commune, Truc Ninh district, Nam Dinh province) through Ms. Doan Thi Diu - Chairwoman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee, Truc Chinh commune, phone number: 0988 397 289.

Hà Vi

LD 24053: Cháu trai 4 tuổi mắc suy giảm miễn dịch


Mới chỉ 4 tuổi nhưng cháu Phạm Văn Khôi hiện phải vật lộn, chống chọi với căn bệnh hiếm gặp "chứng suy giảm miễn dịch" khi hoàn cảnh gia đình rất khó khăn.

LD 24052: Khuyết tật từ bé, anh em đỡ đần, đùm bọc nhau lúc tuổi già


Người anh 66 tuổi khuyết tật ở chân, người em 57 tuổi mắt không nhìn thấy. Mấy chục năm qua 2 anh em (ngụ huyện An Biên, Kiên Giang) nương tựa nhau cùng trải qua nhiều khó khăn, vất vả.

LD 24051: Mẹ mất sớm, bố bị ung thư, cậu học trò nghèo ở Nam Định cần giúp đỡ

Lương Hà |

Hoàn cảnh khó khăn khi mẹ mất sớm, bố bị ung thư, em Bùi Nguyên Thủ (xã Giao Yến, huyện Giao Thủy, tỉnh Nam Định) có thành tích học tập tốt cần giúp đỡ.

PGS Đặng Bích Hà an nghỉ bên Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp tại Vũng Chùa - Đảo Yến


Quảng Bình - Sáng 29.9, lễ an táng PGS Đặng Bích Hà - Phu nhân Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp được tổ chức tại Vũng Chùa - Đảo Yến.

Bé trai 3 tháng tuổi từng ở Mái ấm Hoa Hồng đã tử vong


TPHCM - Bệnh viện Nhi đồng 2 cho biết, bé trai 3 tháng tuổi (từng ở Mái ấm Hoa Hồng) tử vong do viêm phổi nặng, kém đáp ứng điều trị.

Đà tăng giá vàng phá vỡ "lời nguyền tháng 9"

Khương Duy (Theo Kitco) |

Giới chuyên gia nhận định tháng 9 thường là "điểm trũng" của giá vàng thế giới. Tuy nhiên năm nay, quan niệm này không còn chính xác.

Số người bị vùi lấp vụ sạt lở trên QL2 có thể gia tăng

Lam Thanh |

Hà Giang - Vụ sạt lở trên QL2 đoạn Km51 khiến 1 người tử vong, nhiều phương tiện và nhà dân bị vùi lấp.

Hồ thủy điện lớn nhất miền Nam giảm xả lũ


Đồng Nai - Công ty Thủy điện Trị An giảm xả lũ do lưu lượng nước về hồ đang có xu hướng giảm.

LD 24053: 4-year-old grandson has immunodeficiency


Only 4 years old, Pham Van Khoi is currently struggling with the rare disease " immune deficiency" when his family's circumstances are very difficult.

LD 24052: Disabled since childhood, brothers help and support each other in old age


The 66-year-old brother has a disability in his legs, and the 57-year-old brother cannot see. Over the past few decades, two brothers (living in An Bien district, Kien Giang ) have relied on each other and experienced many difficulties and hardships.

LD 24051: Mother died early, father has cancer, poor student in Nam Dinh needs help

Lương Hà |

In a difficult situation when his mother died early and his father had cancer, Bui Nguyen Thu (Giao Yen commune, Giao Thuy district, Nam Dinh province ) with good academic performance needed help.