The largest hydroelectric reservoir in the South reduces flood discharge


Dong Nai - Tri An Hydropower Company reduces flood discharge due to decreasing water flow into the lake.

On September 29, according to information from Tri An Hydropower Company, as of 2:00 p.m. on September 29, the water level of Tri An Lake reached nearly 60.8 m (safe elevation is 62 m), the water flow to the lake was 1,060 m3/s and the total discharge to downstream was 1,142 m3/s.

Compared to September 25, the lake water level (approximately 61m), water flow into the lake (1,400 m3/s) and total discharge to downstream (from 1,440-1,490 m3/s) have all decreased.

Previously, on September 28, Tri An Hydropower Company issued a notice about reducing the spillway to regulate the reservoir. Based on the decreasing water flow to Tri An reservoir and to reduce the possible impact on the downstream, Tri An Hydropower Company reduced the amount of water released to regulate the reservoir.

The reduction time is from 2:00 p.m. on September 28. At that time, the water flow through the spillway is 320 m3/s, a 50% reduction compared to before. The water flow through the power turbine is from 800 - 850 m3/s. The total water flow downstream is from 1,120 - 1,170 m3/s.

Then, depending on the weather and water levels downstream at Bien Hoa Hydrological Station, the company can change the flow of water discharged through the spillway.

Tri An Hydropower Plant was inaugurated and put into operation in 1991. Currently, the plant has 4 units, with a total designed capacity of 400MW. This is the largest hydropower project in the Southern region, contributing greatly to the national grid, helping to regulate water sources for daily life, production, repelling salinity and regulating floods for downstream areas.


Mực nước gần 61m, hồ thủy điện lớn nhất miền Nam xả lũ 4 cửa


Đồng Nai - Hồ Thủy điện Trị An tiếp tục xả lũ qua đập tràn với tổng lưu lượng xả xuống hạ du tăng từ 1.440 m3/giây - 1.490m3/giây, xả 4 cửa.

Thủy điện Hòa Bình đóng hết các cửa xả lũ

Minh Nguyễn |

Hòa Bình - Công ty Thủy điện Hòa Bình vừa có thông báo về việc đóng 1 cửa xả lũ còn lại.

Hồ thủy điện lớn nhất miền Nam tăng xả lũ gấp đôi, mở 3 cửa


Đồng Nai - Hồ Thủy điện Trị An tiếp tục xả lũ qua đập tràn với lưu lượng tăng từ 320m3/giây đến 480m3/giây vào ngày mai 24.9.

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Water level is nearly 61m, the largest hydroelectric reservoir in the South discharges floodwater from 4 gates


Dong Nai - Tri An Hydropower Reservoir continues to discharge flood water through the spillway with the total discharge flow downstream increasing from 1,440 m3/s - 1,490 m3/s, discharging from 4 gates.

Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant closes all flood gates

Minh Nguyễn |

Hoa Binh - Hoa Binh Hydropower Company has just announced the closing of the remaining flood gate.

The largest hydroelectric reservoir in the South doubled flood discharge, opened 3 gates


Dong Nai - Tri An Hydropower Reservoir continues to discharge flood water through the spillway with the flow increasing from 320m3/s to 480m3/s tomorrow, September 24.